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Everything posted by seang

  1. theres a few cubs hanging round that field seen em in around the square of grass thats not cut
  2. there a credit to ya p666 you have them ragging the right colour and all red
  3. that dog must go mad when he cant find one of the four slippers and the remote when his sittin down at night for the soaps
  4. i think i heard of a fella in america who used do it every day on the streets over there i can remember saying jesus christ cause he got a fair bit after a few years but cant remember how much
  5. seang


    http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/otheranimals/3564468 what bout these thinking of going breeding a few and relocating them on golf courses fancy lamping a few
  6. seang


    http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/otheranimals/3598298 anyone got any these
  7. my internet was down all last week having being on here,ya im from ireland,thanks bear
  8. I can vouch for the dog lads its a mates dog and he wrote it under my company dog will take a few weeks get used to new owner but not a guard dog very shy
  9. German Shephard 2 Year old. extremely Quiet. wil only stick to 1 owner. teased as a pup until rescued a loveable dog will not harm children 100%. This dog requies a owner or a family that will respect and love him. he will never attack his owner or anyone else. giving away due to livin in the city. regetting having to part.
  10. i having seen whale wars when is it on
  11. He was a hoax anyway that fella the nearest thing to bigfoot they gonna find is right beside them bobo
  12. Any ye watchin finding bigfoot on discovery what ye think they gonna find one its a bit squatchy
  13. he said he has the condenser for the inside of it but the motor for outside he dont have i dont think he knos what his on bout either ill try ebay
  14. the p7 is a good little torch a mate has one i think he gave 50 euro for it,the p6 looks bigger
  15. the terrier at work swelled up like that aswell
  16. but me down for 1 if they have the rare chocolate gene
  17. he has the two hands on the lead the dog was going nowhere jay
  18. http://www.myspace.com/music/player?sid=18241808&ac=now
  19. does she run ok other than that,might be just her way of running
  20. would be worth more if they had the rare tayto gene
  21. keep the dogs fix up the pens ive a staff bull ive watch with any dog ive kennelled up wat evers up with him a dog thats kept in the back yard with him his alright with them but if i let the lurchers out ive lock him in ive no intention of getting rid of him his 10 years old now
  22. bad luck bud must being some sickener
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