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About kayno

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    Born Hunter

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  1. if there so great all the people saying try something new, sticking up for them would you realy own one i dought it. but this is the hunting life so i guess you all would. it's obviosly a money making scam and it would'nt supprise me if its that graham muppet pm him if you wont one then let urs all no how great they are instead of talking shite on here about something no one realy has experience about
  2. try a well bred working sooty sam lined pup. i dought any x would compare
  3. kayno


    nice one lads having a good laugh. very sad the trueth is these things happen. wilf people think your a straight talker comedien your a pathetic wanker hiding behind a keyboard talking shit.
  4. kayno


    he used to live in the same street he's moved away about 20 odd miles away like i said there retards a hiding wouldnt make a difference how could you have an opionion if your not from this part. i cant keep an eye on him 24-7 to make sure they dont get dogs it would be pritty costly and have my own kids to look after so will find it hard to find the time and money to travel to his to make sure he aint got a dogs but if he gets prosecuted it there will be alot of eyes on him so shut the f**k up
  5. kayno


    ive had them both there pussys. it will be nice to see the law catch up with them i seen there sister today told her to tell her brother im doing a statment and if he sez anything i'll so why would i want to pay someone to do it when i can do it myself. the news will travel fast and he wont ever forget about it so dont worry and even if you gave them a hiding they would stil get dogs and there grasses phoning the police on people all the time soon as something happens to them, garry is also a smackhead thief bully to weaker people and he wouldnt think twice of beating your granny for a pound
  6. kayno


    yes the lad is known gary spotlight he has a brother called peter spotlight but there real surame is hueghs, and you read it wrong the dog was raped buy a homeless fella he let stay in his shed. i found this out because i have mates up there end who told me garry was walking around the area with blood coming from the bitches arse looking for the homeless fella i diidnt believe it at first but it's true
  7. kayno


    yes thats the one mate shame theres no pic on there i got the paper here and the picture is dark and you cant tell the full extent of her condition
  8. kayno


    i dont give a shit if its being a grass i've hammerd him before the rest of his family are the same peaces of shit. he also let a homeless guy sleep in his shed and he raped the dog sorry people but that aint right. i dont wont no attention can anyone tell me the correct name please. i would also like to say i think the rspca are c**ts and wold never do this type of thing but if he gets banned from keeping animals result. just had a phone call from a mate theres a picture of the bitch in the daily post today have a look
  9. kayno


    im righting a statement for the rspca on a local lad who's given up his dog in a terrible state. whats the coerrect name for a bitches udders lol when there in pup thanks
  10. hi fella i will tek a pic sir on weekend and pot it on is that ok pal pup a 3 weeks a day and holl good hely pups parents kill holl bitch is 7 and dog is 10 thay wond be a lif if no good tek it from me ned now mo call me 07765946943 ok ta WTF say that again in eglish
  11. 5.00 nothing wrong with abit of rope
  12. nice to see some quality pups in clean runs fed on the best and at a good price. this is how it should be done not in a stinking barn or a shed full of shit never seeing a worming tablet (peddleres you know who you ares). there a credit to you mate, if only you where closer and selling that brown pup pm me if you change your mind lol
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