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About 1289drew

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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    shooting fishing digging and all things like that!!!!!!

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  1. living in belgium most jagd's are worked above ground for driven big game ie boar and deer i could have the oppertunity though through a friend of a pup which is from polish lines so smaller he has two strains one for the above ground work and the other for foxes but they do the same as goof breed pats in the uk as for paper work thats no problem the problem lies with time and money cos just the cost of the pup it will cost you 350euros plus kennel time which is 6/7 months!! pm me if intrested but to be fair stick with a paterdale
  2. went out for the first time since buying the new bellman and flint locator set, good fun!!!!check out the video and this one was the result a bloody great thing! mad the dogs nose sore!!!!!
  3. hi all i am looking for some help on reloading some subsonic rounds for a .243 if any one knows of any data or had any experience please let me know thanks
  4. thanks for all the intrest i will be in touch soon
  5. thanks for all the intest i will be in touch soon
  6. hi all i am about to buy a starlight archer clip on nv unit but am wondering which scope to buy to clip it to i have a tikka t3 .243 with a swaraski 8x50 3omm tube at he moment but have been told i need a scope with parrallex adjustment these type of scopes are commpletly new to me so any advice or reccomendations will be grstefully recived i have already been told that the leupold vx3 models are the ones to buy but they are a little more than i wanted to pay without having to sell my swaraski!! i look forward to you views
  7. hi all i am looking at getting a locator set for my dogs but after looking at the collars i need a small one asmy dog is small i have found the dimensions for the ortovox collar but cannot find them for theb&f collar any help would be good thanks also is there a huge difference between the ortovox d3 and the barryvox box cheers all drew
  8. hi there i am looking to sell my swaroski 8x50 scope which is about 6/7 years old with a steel tube not aluiminum but don't know the value of it ?!?!?! could anybody give me any ideas or an idea on who to ask thanks in advance drew
  9. thanks for that it seems to be here that they have alot of electrical problems that don't seem to happen with righthand trucks strange that????
  10. be very careful with the cheap stuff as you may well be planting alot of weed mixed in with it which will be a big problem in the longrun always better paying a little more in my experince
  11. hi does anyone know where they make lefthand drive discoverys as when i was in the uk i had one and sold it before coming out here and in belgium they are not very reliable and are always in the garage so i wondered if it is because they are made somewhere else as i had no probs with mine in the uk!?
  12. all i will say is look hard at the small print if it is a working dog!!!! some won't cover you or you have to lie!
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