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About subaruwilly

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    South Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Lamping, Hunting with Hounds,Digging

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  1. that`s not sport it`s just cruel !!!!!!
  2. He lost whip a couple o seasons since and If u know him give him a bell or come to EDRD show this Sunday and ask him yourself if what I`m saying about Stan killing em on impact is true or not, would u believe it if he tells u himself thats it`s true or is he a bullshitter too, how`d u think i`ve seen it do it so many times ya pudding head ???? We were out 4 and 5 nights a week together when Stan were at his peak
  3. this lad does what it says on the tin

  4. ya know me mate and ya know i`m not a bullshitter, nappy seen it do it before a time or two as well, it were normally when it were run with another dog it used to run wide as though it knew which way fox were gonna turn and then just sideswipe em and kill em on impact, dont get me wrong it don`t do it everytime but i`ve seen it do it enough times to know it`s not a fluke
  5. give your mouth a chance to catch up with your arse ffs, killed on inpact my ring hoy prick, i`m no bullshitter, and i`ve seen Stan do it time and time again, obviously u never seen a decent dog
  6. I`ve seen both Stan and Sally work and Stan is one of the best lurchers i`ve ever had the pleasure of seeing work along with his litter brother Billy, i`ve seen him hit foxes that hard he killed them on impact on numerous occasions
  7. good for those things wi horns meaning deer. but dont like the sharp end on charlies. that is a fact. atb stabba how many times you seen her run Stabba ? Phone call made to willy and all sorted. atb stabba Thanks for the phonecall mate and if there`s any more doubters/slaters/tittletattlers out there they will also get the offer (as Stabba did) of a night out to see the bitch run Hairyface I got some pictures of Stan but i know for sure his owner wouldn`t want any pics of him posted etc as he likes to keep himself to himself and rightly so too, Merry Christmas everybody o
  8. good for those things wi horns meaning deer. but dont like the sharp end on charlies. that is a fact. atb stabba how many times you seen her run Stabba ? Phone call made to willy and all sorted. atb stabba Thanks for the phonecall mate and if there`s any more doubters/slaters/tittletattlers out there they will also get the offer (as Stabba did) of a night out to see the bitch run Hairyface I got some pictures of Stan but i know for sure his owner wouldn`t want any pics of him posted etc as he likes to keep himself to himself and rightly so too, Merry Christmas everybody o
  9. now that`s what i call a proper film !!!! a definite must for every lurcher owner to watch, its proper piss funny
  10. good for those things wi horns meaning deer. but dont like the sharp end on charlies. that is a fact. atb stabba how many times you seen her run Stabba ? Phone call made to willy and all sorted. atb stabba Thanks for the phonecall mate and if there`s any more doubters/slaters/tittletattlers out there they will also get the offer (as Stabba did) of a night out to see the bitch run Hairyface I got some pictures of Stan but i know for sure his owner wouldn`t want any pics of him posted etc as he likes to keep himself to himself and rightly so too, Merry Christmas everybody
  11. good for those things wi horns meaning deer. but dont like the sharp end on charlies. that is a fact. atb stabba how many times you seen her run Stabba ?
  12. I dont know the sire of your pups but i seen the dam to your pups work loads of times and if they turn out half as good as her they`ll be crackers lads
  13. i have a pup out the same litter mate he doing great now can you remind me on the correct age mate my memory like a siv lightening is my bitch the pups were born around the 23rd of march they`re just coming up to 8 months old do either of you have any current pics ? I`ve kept a bitch from the litter
  14. ahahaha yes mate jail bait dont touch what you carnt afford ahahaha

  15. woo hoo proper jailbait !!!

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