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Everything posted by Onan

  1. I'm my own worst enemy,to helpful pee's my missus off something rotten.But i you can't beat the good feeling you get when you've helped and just a thank you is the best reward you can ever receive,i always say to them "say a prayer for me"(i'm not even religous).Sad reflection on todays society that people will laugh and walk away,been tempted many a time but something just says NO,scrotes really wind me up and my missus is always telling me to mind my own business but i can't abide bad manners and disrespect(not the respect that these muppets nowadays interpret it as...FEAR)..Probably a lot
  2. Your better off leaving them overnight.Are you sure there is some in your area,were abouts are you?
  3. I used the cheapest cat food i could buy that was in a pouch or the small foil tinned ones were good,punch a few holes in it and give it a liitle squeeze
  4. Sounds an interesting book.... I have a fasination with Tigers...they become man eaters because it is easy prey.... Yes but one of the worst maneaters happend to be a tigress so its probably true that the female of the species is more deadlier than the male atvb be a good title for a song that
  5. Depends were you are mate,also the water temperature doesn't help needs to be quite warm to get them going.
  6. The loudest cheers you got at the Waterloo cup were when the hares got away
  7. Ukraines got Talent Watched this and thought it was amazing
  8. Watched this last night,forgot how many good songs came from my home town...Just filled a new playlist on Spotify with all my favourites
  9. Mey my mrs on the CB radio for a 50p bet...The most expensive 50p ever,4 kids,3 grandkids and 25 yrs later.....the things you do for money everytime i see the lad in the pub who i had the bet with i make him buy me a pint,it's the least he can do
  10. Cheers for the heads up jack,was running out of sites
  11. Could be a Clitopilus prunulus,which are edible.But can be mistaken for a Clitocybe houghtonii which is poisnous.I found some last year in a birch wood with wood chippings on the floor and thought i'd struck fungi gold as there were loads of them but couldn't be certain which type they were so decided against eating them..... Here's a link to them both,it's upto you to decide which one you've got,personally i would err on the side of caution and not bother Clitocybe houghtonii--inedible Clitopilus prunulus--edible
  12. awesome book,documentary is brilliant after you've read the book because you know what he's like.... Big softy really until you pissed him off
  13. What did you use to get it set trappa?Going picking on saturday
  14. Think the quote was"the tories will consider", I'd personally take that as once they've got your vote then . Very sad fact of life nowadays every ones in it for themselves...
  15. Been eating them for weeks been having them for my mid walk snack ,just the ones on the end.Noticed if the pull off easy they are really sweet.another week or so and it's a big mission with all the kids ,blackberry and apple jam
  16. Onan

    Haunted Nights

    just bought it now of ebay,will pass an eveing on nights but then again my workplace is a bit spooky always seeing things out of the corner of your eye
  17. Starting to look very professional there Kay,should be proud of yourself
  18. Have you tried a ball of string,or recall
  19. Cheers, and you prob wont .John
  20. Make me piss the council,they've got free pest control but would rather waste money on shooing people away with police resources and paying pest contollers to poison them which doesn't just kill the rats....is there not a lot of motorists in that area for the police to mither? Rant over
  21. Onan


    i know mate the thought of these girls in camo, i was nearly bubbling up stem!! "Nearly",mine erupted!!!!!!!!! some lucky b*****d wakes up next to that bird in the mornings How would you find her dressed like that
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