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About froese11

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    Winnipeg Manitoba
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, camping, trapping

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  1. ...Canada is kind of a big place... lol I'm guessing you don't know then. But anyway nice mount.
  2. wow looks great. I'll have to try that sometime. Great thread
  3. just buy them from the guys on here. The shipping isn't that bad as long as you buy enough the first time. Here is where i got mine. trapworks
  4. I believe it is an older conibear but I am not sure.
  5. Hey everybody I recently had a chance to go out for a day on a friends trapline. I thought as he uses similar traps to you guys in the UK it would be interesting to see his North American sets. He checks his line once every 5 or 6 days, as all his traps are instant kill and the animal freezes preserving both meat and hide. He exclusively uses body grips for the animals he traps, beaver, otter, pine martin, fisher. As you can see from the pictures either a wooden box or steel can is attached to a tree with a bodygrip trap at the mouth of the box and beaver meat at the far end. These sets are fo
  6. the only way that the snares would freeze up is if they were wet to begin with. As long as you do not have any water on your hands as you set them up they shouldnt freeze.
  7. very interesting thanks a lot! Nice to see some other ways of catching rabbits
  8. thanks for all the suggestions. Air rifles that fire over 500 feet per second require a firearms acquisition license which i have. I think I'm leaning to .22 for the added punch. I already have a 22 rifle but because of the noise i would like a quieter option. Thanks for all the info and ill let you know when and if i get one. Most high powered air rifles here are spring powered and their are very few gas rifles that have speeds of over 500 fps.
  9. Hey I was wondering if .177 was large enough to kill hares with or if I should upgrade to .22 for a cleaner kill. Ideally they will be headshots but will .177 have enough power for a body shot? James
  10. ummm what is wrong with crossbows? How are they barbaric? Just treat it like a gun and it is perfectly safe.
  11. Hey new2this what part of canada are you from?
  12. i was gona shoot it and take the pelt but i had to study for an exam the next day so i wouldnt have had time to skin it and everything. We let him go in the country off some road. next one though is going on the wall
  13. ya got one today... not what was expected i never knew they like carrots that much
  14. just that i have caught with apple before and not caught. Well ill try them both and try to reposition the traps. thanks
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