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About simononeill93

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 12/11/1961

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  • Location
    sutton coldfield

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  1. That looks stunning jok , will make me look the part more so than my hedge row sticks. Just got back from the lakes and arnside. Road works a night mare on m6.
  2. Simon. Your stick is in the making. Unusual for sure but will be a talking piece. Jok.

    1. simononeill93


      I love being part of a talking piece. Thanks simon

  3. Cabinet now gone thank you

  4. ..I'd be well happy with that retrieve, liked you holding the other dog off. Nothing more off putting than another dog trying to steal a retrieve.
  5. Free to anyone who collects, good condition. Please ring Simon 07757701792
  6. Google it, I think you don't need one if you don't watch ,record,etc BBC programs that are live.I think you can watch it on catch up but they are going to close that loop hole soon. Always check. Is £145 a year worth the chance of a fine.?
  7. I've got the 450 2015, great bike,road reg very stable on road and at speed. I've shut mine down to 60 mph . very good price new compared to other quads.
  8. Nice video,woodcock shows lovely. Ideal rough shooting ground.
  9. If you want a good watch,see blacklist. Raymond reddington. You'll get hooked.
  10. Can anyone recommend a good waterproof jumper ??, coats are alright when weather is severe. Thanks simon
  11. I've just had swelling in middle toe on my dog, virtually twice the size seen the vet who squeezed it and a thorn off a horse chestnut shell came out. Weeks course of antibiotics and all's fine.but last year he broke toe and all they did was strap it up for 6 weeks.
  12. I don't know if it's the amount of shooting I do over my dogs right from pups but I've never had 1 scared of fireworks, in fact my dog in avatar sits on table outside to watch them,and won't come in for anything.
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