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Everything posted by kkwikcalel

  1. One of the old fellars i go ferting with has a big hob called fred, i think retriever is more fitting as this ferret kills big bunnies and fetches them out to us all day long. I will deffinatly be having a hob from him this year :0p Sounds like a special ferret, so do you know what this guy is doing to get fred to retrieve? Or is this just luck that he is bringing them out?
  2. Hello again, also wanted to say. I went out the other night with the old hob. Was an interesting night, was small burrow systems which i notice that the hob gets more bolters in these circumstances. But i did get more rabbits than usual at night. Does anyone ever try hunting at night? Do you notice rabbits are more inclined to bolt? The thing is, rabbits are more active at night, hence are more willing to leave the burrow when there is a danger.
  3. Sometimes he comes to the surface with blood, other times there is squeeling and then he comes out a wee bit later. I am sure he is killing them in there, since if there was no rabbits there he is quick to come out. So the locator is the best thing i think, i cant see myself getting the ferret to drag them out, would probably tire him out abit. How often are you unable to use your loacator because of bad ground?
  4. Hey there, my hob is not always getting the bolters. Went out today, set up 65 nets on three warrens. The first one was great, he goes in and within a minute he chases one out. You know when there is no more in the burrow as he will not go back in. So he gets me another one from the burrow and we move on to a more intricate and bigger warren. This is were is gets really annoying, he is down there for ages and the only thing that seemed to bring him out was luring him out with one of the rabbits he caught. Even on the last burrow system, he was in there for about 30 minutes, when he
  5. I am thinking about neuturing my hob, i dont want to breed with him and i have a jill that he will not leave alone. Does anyone know if hobs lose their touch when they are out working if they are neutured.
  6. so whats better hobs or jills? i have a hob and it looks as if he always catchs them in the burrow. is it ok to go night ferreting? how long a sleep do you have to wait for the ferret to be fresh and energic?
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