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Everything posted by irvin

  1. Many thanks. I shall try a differtent solvent. It looks like I will need to try a lighter round to prove the accuracy, one way or the other.
  2. No noticeable effect with or without the mod, other than the point of impact moves 1" up and 2" to the right. I use MPro cleaning solvens etc and clean the barrel thoroughly (no sign of copper fouling) and religiously between sessions at the range.
  3. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same issues. Ironcally, my best results are with the same ammunition. If I do find a compatible factory round I shall let you know.
  4. The moderator is removed between sessions but remains untouched when at the range. Thanks, I shall follow your suggestion to try lighter bullets. However, I will face the same dilema if it is more accurate with the lighter bullet, as it is intended as a deer rifle.
  5. Thanks for responding. The rifle is a Sako 75, which was "run in" carefully and is cleaned reguarly. Barrel float and scope etc have all been checked by a gunsmith. Zeroing is off bipod with sandbag. Clearly human error could be a factor but others have tried with varying results and I obtain much greater accuracy firing my .308. I have also fired with and without moderator with mixed results.
  6. Hi I have a new (good quality European - no names) rifle in .243 calibre, with which I am having difficulty achieving satisfactory groups. I have fired about 200 rounds using a variety of factory ammunition (90 and 100 grain bullets) but cannot consistently achieve sub 2.0" groups. The rifle has a T8 moderator and has been re-crowned in an attempt to improve the accuracy. The rifle is to be used for deer stalking and the principal quarry species will be fallow deer, although I am also considering Sika and Reds. I have read a lot about the accuracy of .243 calibre and I am beginning
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