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About Maccley

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  1. Unfortunately eagle owls are very cheap and very easy to come by. Being big birds they attract people who think they are well ard having one. Approximately 90% of owned eagle owls are never flown and sit out most of their lives in an aviary(usually too small. And as stated rescue centers, falconry centers, tourist attractions etc are full of them. As for using them on hunts, they are shown at hunts because a loop hole in the law states that once a bird of prey is off the fist, it reverts to being a wild and uncontrollable animal and its prey cannot be precise. However, yes they do have th
  2. Hi ya. What weight she flying at? Mine starts at 2lb but will work up to 2lb 3 or 4. Bit concerned about introduing the dog though as she hunts anything that moves and will even chase deer!
  3. Hi. Just coming back to lurchers after 8-10 years and I have a 12 week old male coming home next week. Problem being I have only worked adults in the past so could do with some advice on feeding and training at a young age. Planning on dry food only and many moons ago used mainly james wellbeloved or eukanuba. Whats the recommendation these days? Am wary as adults dogs tended to eat anything that sat still for longer than 2 seconds and dont want to over (or under) feed from day one. Any infromation or advice will be gratefully received.
  4. Hi everyone Just joined the site as I am looking for some information. I currently fly a hunting female Harris Hawk (along side other birds), which is great. But I have also just got hold of a lurcher puppy and as I have only worked adults in the past I am looking for some feeding and training tips for puppies. My main question is how much does everyone recommend feeding (12 week old male) and how often. Am planning dried food only so any recommendations will be gratefully received. Am estimating a 25/6 inch adult looking at parents but time will tell. Will also be looking for trai
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