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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. My Tucson 4wd was heavy on fuel , something like low to mid 30’s . I liked the car but with the miles I was doing it was costing a fortune so anything above 50 is a bonus
  2. Thanks . You’re pretty much confirming what I was reading about the tdci last night about it being a decent engine . I know makers mpg claims are usually lies but even if you knock 10 mpg off it would still be in the 50’s where the others would be in the 40’s which isn’t too bad but the extra mpg plus the big difference in tax is swinging me towards the ford as long as it’s big enough with the rear seats dropped down
  3. Thanks for that , I didn’t realise the ix35 was different. I thought because they look similar that it was just another version of the Tucson with a different name
  4. Really , I’d just assumed the sportage and ix35 were going to be pretty much the same as my previous car which was a Tucson so I’ve not really done any checking on them other than just find a couple to look at based on that
  5. Anyone had one of the diesel ecosports , I’m going to look at one tomorrow and also an ix35 and sportage . On paper the ecosport sounds ok for what I want , good ride height , cheap tax and insurance and good mpg but I’m just not sure if they are any good or ones to avoid . I know the 1 litre petrol engines haven’t got the best rep but is the 1.5 tdci any better .
  6. Just spoke to my mate and the wood he used was Maple , American walnut , Tulip wood and Purple Heart . He said he’d used 19 pieces making it
  7. These are some he’s done . He mainly does sims tribute boards but the longboard lent against the side is a tribute to a British one called benji board I think
  8. You want to see his skateboard’s . They sell all over the world to collectors and professional skaters . His attention to detail is unbelievable, he’s proper ocd about everything he makes
  9. Been helping a mate who makes tribute skateboard’s running batches of wood through the bandsaw all year and he’s just done this for me as a thank you . He restored an old axe head and made a laminated handle for it . I’ve not spoke to him yet about which wood he’s used but I think it could be maple and teak with a purple heart stringer through the centre.
  10. Normally doesn’t bother me where I throw them either but I was a bit more hesitant for a while after I’d snagged a miuras mouse a few weeks back . I was seriously thinking of going in for it if the braid snapped
  11. A mate used to just write any random code in without even doing the questionnaire and they never once checked
  12. Dace of that size are ten a penny on the ribble and lower calder , both rivers are absolutely stuffed with them . I should have weighed it and even had scales there but didn’t bother for some reason . Wez did take a shit picture of it as I had unhooked it but it was a shit picture
  13. That’s the 4,3 . I never knew he’d caught it at the time until a lad came to ask me if I’d catch him a lively and told me . I’d heard him celebrating but I was hammering the dace on the float so didn’t even bother looking what they were doing
  14. In February this year a bloke piking just up from us had a 4.2 perch on a dace lively on an Albert stretch and a couple of weeks later a bloke had a 4.3 on the next peg on a lure from the deeps . There’s loads of chub , mostly. 2-4 lb but 6+ er's are caught fairly regular . I should weigh the big dace and I’m kicking myself for not weighing one I had in the summer , if it wasn’t a at least lb it wasn’t far off
  15. It doesn’t bother me either . As long as I can leave the car somewhere reasonably safe I’ll fish anywhere . The ribbles got some surprisingly good fish of all species . Aswell as big barbel there’s big chub , roach , pike and perch and it wouldn’t surprise me to see the dace record go on there , I’ve had some huge dace when I’ve been barbel fishing and they are not uncommon
  16. When you get in the the Albert give me a shout and I’ll take you round and show you some of the stretches . You’ll be struggling on Pendles stretches for barbel , I’ve never heard of one that far up but I have had them on hyndburns stretch behind the abbey . A fair few of the barbel you see on the ribble groups on Facebook are off the free stretch , don’t be put off going down the deeps because of the scare stories , I’ve never had a problem down there and neither have any of my mates
  17. I’ve not used them but know someone who is an uber tackle tart and has multiple free spirit hi s barbel and specialist rods and once he tried the torrix’s he’s had a few sets built to replace the hi s’s and if he says they are better I’ll take his word for it
  18. Which club are you in . Prince albert control a lot of the lower river and radac have a few stretches too . Wigan/st Helen’s share elston and there’s day tickets on woodcutters farm in ribchester , radacs ribchester front , the tickled trout/ gregsons farm by the m6 and below half penny bridge down to London road bridge is free on the right bank .
  19. They are properly light but to honest I’m thinking of replacing them with torrix’s
  20. I’m using 11ft 2 lb free spirit barbel tamers on the ribble with 6000 xtrb baitrunners , I’ve got 4000’s aswell and i used them for a while but prefer the bigger size . It can be double snaggy on there so if you use feeders try and get the triangle shape korum river feeders because they will kite up to the surface and away from trouble on the retrieve .
  21. Didn’t realise he was still going . Thought he’d sold the lure business to someone and retired , didn’t know he was into knife making aswell
  22. Is that the same loz harrop who used to make jerkbaits
  23. It’s horrible watching what’s happening and knowing nothing can be done to help . The worse part is he had a fighting chance at the beginning . He was told it was small enough to operate on and they seemed fairly positive but then they didn’t actually bother to get him in to operate and then they’d send him for another scan a few weeks later then mess him about again and then another scan and this went on for a few months and by that time it was to late to operate .
  24. My stepdad is on his last legs with pancreatic cancer that’s spread to his lungs now aswell . The doctor and nurses have said probably a couple of days but if he fights it he might last a week and it’s horrible watching it , he’s gone from about 17stone to about 9 since last Christmas and hasnt even got the strength to feed himself or even get out of bed , can’t even sit up or have a wash by himself he’s that weak . If he had the choice about ending it I doubt he’d take it though because he even though he knows he’s dying he told the district nurse yesterday when she asked how he was feeling t
  25. Sammy the bull gravano has started doing them , don’t normally listen to podcasts but he’s an interesting fella and a good story teller
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