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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. Got this wasp stinger and some spare bands from wasp plus some 8mm ammo from balls of steel and just tried the 18/12 .55 bsb white at short range ( about 6m) in the yard and it wouldn’t penetrate a soup tin , it put a dint in it but that was it . Tried snipersling green 18/12 .60 and that did go through but like the bsb white I had to pull back to my ear rather than my mouth like I’ve done with my other one with heavier bands . What tapers are people using with 8mm and lighter bands for hunting before I order a template and start making my own . Also what do you use for tying pouches , the ban
  2. Should do alright with that setup , think the mavellos comes with 2 tops , solid and hollow aswell . What lb braid did you get , I’ve not seen that one before . I use the kingdom microfly mx8 4 strand in pe.02 , 9lb , 0.07mm and it’s spot on . One thing to watch with 8 strand is it’s not as tough as 4 so keep an eye on it for any damage . You’ll only need about 70-75 turns on the spool and that will give you enough for 3 fills from the 150m . You’d be aswell starting with 3gm+ to begin with till you get the hang of it and not trying the 1gm . This is not a bad video to give you a better idea
  3. When your reel comes be careful putting line on because the spools are so light it’s easy to crush or warp them and don’t put more than 50m on because you don’t want to add unnecessary weight to the spool . Rawr fishing on YouTube has a vid showing how to load braid on these little bfs reels without using any backing or tape . When you’re first starting casting bfs gear it’s different than using ordinary multipliers because they are faster and if you try to cast hard or whip it to get distance like you would with a fixed spool or ordinary multi you’ll blow it up . The trick is to slow every
  4. Kuying rods are not bad , I used to have a 5ft teton sul 0.8-3gm that I used for trout . You might be better getting the ul version just for a few extra grams casting weight because of pike . The mavellos delicacy gets mentioned a lot on the bfs groups . Tsurinoya elf and dragons are well thought of aswell . If you don’t know about these shops it would be worth having a look at Needhams specialist tackle and nine seven tungsten for rods and if you’re on Facebook message Jon Sykes from Barnsley , he’ll have rods and reels , some new some used of all price ranges but half his stuff wont have bee
  5. I’m on a budget bfs page on Facebook and there’s loads of the lads using the reels from tsurinoya , soloking/dovella etc . If it’s for ultralights the tsurinoya dark wolf ultra and genius , soloking accura hicc50 which comes with shallow and deeper spools and bearking zuess get a lot of good reviews
  6. It’s well worth getting the soft plastics from there , there’s always something that are copies of bigger brands but just as good . I get braid off aliexpress for my bfs setups aswell . It’s called kingdom microfly , it’s about £3.50-4 for 150m and it’s spot on . I’m not as keen on the hardbaits from there though . I’m a sucker for high end jdm lures but saw some copies being recommended on Facebook as being just the same so I bought a dozen to try and while they looked the same the build quality wasn’t close and they also more importantly didn’t fish the same , the 12 only cost the same as 1
  7. I used to buy crazyfish nimbles from agm till I saw the supercontinent copies on aliexpress and that’s all I buy now . They are brilliant and there’s no difference between them and the originals . Never bought off temu but it wouldn’t surprise me if supercontinent didn’t sell on there aswell
  8. Just started again this week with one I got given ages ago . It’s got gzk green bands in I think .80 and been using 9.5mm steel with it and the first time I didn’t do to bad at about 10m and then yesterday did pretty good at 10 but not as good at about 20 but still hit the can about 1 in 3 . Had 30 shots today and only managed about 5 hits at about 15m , quite a few were close but some were so far off I don’t even know how I managed it , the consistency was absolutely rubbish and after being pretty pleased with the first couple of attempts I came home today feeling annoyed . Ordered a wasp st
  9. It happens occasionally and there’s not a lot you can do about if the leader goes in the mouth but at least it was just a single which it will probably get rid of . I always crush the barbs on jigs just in case and anything with a treble I use single strand titanium . If you are wanting to catch pike don’t bother with the up and down retrieve and just straight retrieve it slow enough to keep it coming without hitting any weed or snags . When it’s cold they won’t be up for chasing any distance but you’ll not be too far away to get one that’s half interested on shallow canals . Perch will be wh
  10. The Macclesfield canal that I fish aswell is like that because of the boat traffic , virtually no visibility as opposed to the tap water clear L&L near me . Once the seemingly endless lines of boats start coming through about 10-11 I just give up and go . I do catch a lot more bigger perch on that canal but once it’s colder there’s large parts of it that are prolific in summer that appear barren in winter but once you find them you’ll get multiple 2lb plus perch . I still start on the 40mm nimbles with a 3gm jighead but if there’s nothing doing I’ll go up to a 65mm and 1.5-2gm jighead so t
  11. You want to try the canal near me , virtually no boat traffic so gets really weedy , it’s soul destroying at times when you’re lures in weed before you’ve even got chance to retrieve and if you try fishing on the bottom you’ll lose your end gear nearly every cast on the rubbish that’s been chucked in over the years and then once it gets into summer the floating duckweed takes hold meaning mile after mile is unfishable for months on end .
  12. Recently saw some of their own mean lures for sale on Facebook . They are not something you see very often . Wish I’d have kept some of the lures i got off them , some are bringing decent money now . The ones in the bag look interesting, look like they’d do well for perch . wonder why you don’t see people fishing the fake eggs over here for salmon, they obviously work and you see egg flies on trout fisheries
  13. I just fish them on jigheads , still get them biting bits off but hook a good percentage . There are days when you can see them just grabbing the tail of the lure and not taking it properly but the next day they’ll smash them and engulf the lure
  14. I have seen hook with a little stop that you could slide up the bend to keep the lure in place but can’t remember where . Maybe something like the Korda hook beads might have the same effect but I’d be a bit concerned that they would impede the hook up . I know the bass lads put vasilene on the bend so the lure slides down easier but just nick the very point of the hook back into the lure so it holds in place but comes free with a little touch just found some at todber , it’s not letting me copy and paste the link so I’ve screenshotted it
  15. I used to get the Harris catalogue, it was probably the no1 place for lures at the time . They had the yo zuri’s , heddon, halco , northland , kussamo and all the rest plus all the gear to fish them . Sue Harris used to appear on total fishing every now and then with lures , shame they sold up . I’ve never seen anyone using eggs , are they scented or do they just look like eggs . How do you fish them , just let it drift under a float or do you put a bit of bait in like trotting with maggots . Got to admit I’ve got a bit of a thing for Japanese gear . The only hardbaits I’ll buy these days for
  16. I had a little 5 ft pistol grip one a few years ago that one of the lads brought back from I think Florida but never used. That was rated something similar and it wasn’t bad , had some decent pike on it
  17. When I’m perch fishing with just a small barbless jighead from spring to late autumn I just use Preston reflo but in winter when the perch are harder to come by and it’s mainly pike I use single strand titanium
  18. I suspect there’d be more salmon caught over here if more salmon anglers took the blinkers off and realised there’s loads of brands doing brilliant lures that would do well for them and there’s more to life than flying c’s and tobies . Seen a few walk round videos of cabelas and bass pro shops , they’ve got some gear in them , think I’d be skint within minutes of going in there . If you’re ever round peoria in Arizona check out the hook up tackle . They do a few American brands like st croix but specialise in Jdm brands . Their YouTube channel is worth a look just to see the amount of Japan
  19. It’s a good way of quick session fishing , no loading/unloading and lugging loads of gear about and messing about setting up or having to sort bait out beforehand , just leave a small rod and reel set up plus a few lures , jig heads and some leader or traces in a bag and your fishing .
  20. Coloured rods are getting more popular in lure fishing especially glass ultralight/bfs rods . I’ve got 2 coloured modern s-glass setups that I use . The white one is 4.7ft and the olive one is a 5.6ft both rated upto 5gm . The company I got the white one off does them in orange , light blue and green aswell and the full custom olive resilure rod can I think be done in any colour . Recently ive seen a completely clear one on aliexpress . I think rawr fishing was using one in a recent video aswell
  21. Soft plastics are all I use for perch and pike on the canals with the bfs gear and in particular the 40mm crazyfish nimbles/supercontinent copies . I used to use it on the rivers for trout aswell but prefer the jdm hardbaits now
  22. Just picked up a rough 22 mk5 meteor off one of the blokes on the allotments for next to nothing and fancy doing it up a bit and using it for a bit of close range ratting on the pen . Been looking at service kits and seen 1 for about £40 . It comes with a titan spring , is that ok in the gun or would I be better getting a different spring and buying the rest of the bits separately . I’ve also seen a spring compressor tool to make it easier to get out and back in . Is that needed or is there an easy workaround because I’m guessing the springs for meteors won’t be as hard to compress as a full p
  23. He fishes up round Alston which is a long way up river so it’s normally at the back end the club members fish our stretches so maybe they made it up earlier this year and they missed them or possibly they went up the north Tyne , who knows , might just be because the people I’ve spoke to are coming from near me and Cheshire so just getting there on the wrong day . He doesn’t help himself though because he won’t do anything other than fly fish for them which limits the water and conditions he can fish effectively , doesn’t normally stop him catching a few but this is the first year he’s not had
  24. It’s probably englands best salmon river and I don’t follow the reports anymore but speaking to a few people who fish it , it’s not been as good this year . My mate normally gets a few every year off there , first time he went a few years ago he had 5 in a day but this year no salmon just seatrout , some decent ones aswell . He’s just paid a fair bit of money to join a syndicate on there for next season though . If I remember right , that free stretch of the wear was good for dace aswell
  25. Gave up with salmon a few years ago because it was too much effort for too little reward but my mate still fishes for them . He hasn’t had one all season and he fishes more than anyone I’ve ever seen , he’s relentless . The 2 rivers he’s mainly fished are the ribble and lune but he’s even blanked on the south Tyne where he normally gets a few every season and the Tay , border esk and Eden . He’s had some nice seatrout though .
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