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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. Took these down the allotment today to try some longer range shooting than I can do at home and found that I was a fair bit more accurate with one than the other . Both are 85mm forks and with the s robin I used 8mm steel and .60 snipersling green 20-15 and 9.5’s with .70 snipersling yellow 24-18 on the wasp . I put a few tins and a 25x35mm bit of wood up at about 20m and started with the s robin which I’ve been shooting pretty well at shorter distances at home but suddenly struggled at range with it and missed the tins a lot more than I should have and only managed the wood once but only miss
  2. I started with a 100mm fork one and then bought a wasp stinger which is 85mm and was shooting high using the same anchor point which was the corner of my mouth . It was doing my head in but I saw a vid that said to move my anchor point up so I moved it to my cheekbone and it worked perfectly .
  3. Thanks for that . I’ll stick with the constrictor knot because like you said , it’s quick and if it doesn’t cut into the band then I might aswell use it
  4. What is everyone using to tie the pouches on with and what’s the difference with the different materials . I’ve got amber belt and some waxed leather makers thread and I’m still waiting on some 1mm crystal string I ordered weeks ago . Is there one that’s better than the other or are they all a much of a muchness . I have tied a few band sets up with the amber belt and waxed thread and did find it a bit quicker, easier and neater to tie a constrictor knot with the thread but doubts have crept in about whether the thinner thread will damage the elastic more than the softer and wider amber belt
  5. The postman’s just been with this snipersling s-robin g3 mini . Just put some snipersling green .60 bands on and I’ll give it a go later if I get time
  6. On taxi duty today but I’ve managed a couple of hours in between. Stepped up to a 65mm nimble copy on a 2gm jig head . Had 2 jacks and missed one so far
  7. There’s actually 2 Calder’s in Lancashire but the one everyone knows runs in to the ribble round Brockholes/billington and you can get day tickets for the ribble trust stretch of the ribble and up into the Calder at Calder foot . Upstream of there is all on club books but you can get day tickets for Pendle and Burnley’s stretches at altham and behind cornfields fishery / gawthorpe hall at Burnley and behind the bowling greens in Padhiam , think they’re about £6 . There’s also a free stretch in Padhiam but don’t know how long the stretch is .
  8. I keep saying im going to rejoin but never end up doing it . Think I’ll have another go in the new year
  9. I forgot about the Yorkshire Calder . You’re right about the grayling there , I was shown some photos of some good ones from there when I was a member of Ryburn and Halifax . It was actually the Lancashire Calder that goes into the ribble I meant , it’s full of grayling and 2lb+ fish are not uncommon when I’m fishing the stickfloat .
  10. The ribble is good for them but the Calder is better , it’s absolutely full of them and some good ones aswell .
  11. Managed to get out this afternoon for the first time in ages for a couple of hours . Strangely didn’t get any pike at all but managed a couple of perch that must have forgotten to disappear with all the others . Both on the supercontinent nimble copies in the morning dawn colour
  12. I’ve not been for ages because I’ve either been busy or it’s been hammering down , double windy or frozen when I’m free . I’m hoping to go tomorrow but it will be pike only probably because when it gets cold on the canal round here the perch just vanish and you won’t start catching them again till April
  13. I’m pretty sure the bearking zues is one of the many reels that are based on the dark wolf ultra so it’s not a bad replacement , maybe not cast quite as light as the zues without mods but in reality you’re probably not casting 1 gram very often so it doesn’t much difference
  14. That’s no good , right hand wind is only any good for the cack handed and Americans . Was it off Ali or temu
  15. Thanks for that . My draw length to the corner of my mouth is 736.6 so it works out at 147.4 and +10 mm to make 157.4 will be 6.19 inch or bang on 6 if I do +5mm . The stuff I’ve ordered won’t be here for a couple of weeks but I’ve got plenty of sets I can cut down till it gets here .
  16. lol , should be alright then . Reels are actually pretty easy to work on so you shouldn’t have any problems
  17. If you can take it apart and get the spool bearing’s out and flush them and just put a couple of drops of light oil in them or even replace them with some ceramic bearings and no oil it might cast a bit better . The bearings on most reels come packed with grease and slow reels down . If it’s got heavy braid on it will struggle with lures at the lighter end of the scale . If you do try taking the bearings out be careful of the wire clip on the one in the side plate . Either put the reel in a clear bag or keep your thumb over the hole because them little clips can spring off and have an habit of
  18. I know , I’m going to cut a few down to different lengths when I get home later on . I’ve just ordered some stuff for cutting my own band's and I’ve gone for one of the adjustable ruler type ones so I can do different tapers rather than one of the templates that let you do a few of one size at once . The lighter .55 bsb ones I’ve got go through drinks cans no problem but not the thicker soup tins so I’ll cut them down first . The .60 snipersling green and yellow will penetrate soup tins though .
  19. Should do alright with the mavellos and bearking , from what I’ve read it’s one of the few reels that can cast 1gm out of the box without modding . Never seen an advanta baitcaster before . Was it just backlashing all the time . If it was it might be the same type that a mate bought off Amazon and that had 2 sets of brakes . 1 was the obvious one on the side plate but the other was a dial inside the reel . We only found out when he asked me to take it apart and have a look at it
  20. I’ll have a go a cutting them down , I’m assuming from the pouch end rather than the forks . Might aswell forget the 8mm lead then or get a 10mm mould , I did have a 12mm mould but must have either lent it someone or forgot it last time I moved . Not a good enough shot yet to do it consistently so I won’t be doing it till I can but I’m going to practice most days
  21. Shouldn’t take that long surely, I’d be surprised if it did
  22. I’ve had a few things off aliexpress that said they had long delivery times but they’ve all come in 2 weeks . Never ordered off temu though
  23. Is it that the kingdom skx8 spiderking one , seems a bit thick for an 8 strand at .14 for 11lb , that cant be right . My kingdom micro fly 4 strand is only .07 for 9lb
  24. Is that pe .08 or .08mm . If it’s the pe rating you might struggle to cast lighter lures very far but if it’s 0.8mm it’s spot on . Braid can be a minefield with the different rating systems like bs , mm , pe and now goh aswell . I still look at diameter and bs
  25. Just measured my draw length at 29in . I just put the ready made bands in to try . I tried some .65 bsb white and .60 snipersling yellow and the yellow seemed similar to the green power wise and only needed pulling to my mouth but still an easy draw . The bsb .65 seemed to be similar power to the lighter snipersling just an heavier draw so I took it back off . My other catty has .82 green gzk but I’ve got some .70 snipersling green aswell . Been using 9.5mm in that one but I’m going to get an 8mm mould to do some leads
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