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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. try getting someone to stand on the other side of the room with a treat and let him drag the lead over to them then do it again but walk at the side of it holding the lead and reward it . dont do it for to long though or the dog will get bored . once it will walk to someone across the room try it in the yard and then just put some treats in your pocket and try it outside , every now and again stop and give it a treat . Thats how i did mine , he was a nightmare when i tried him at first but it didnt take long once i started rewading him .
  2. i got quoted £35 from a vets in clayton le moors . didnt bother with it , i bred her and im going to to keep an hob and get him a vasectomy it will work out cheaper in the long run
  3. i give mine 1 capsule 3 times a week, dont know if its making any difference but its not doing him any harm
  4. i dont know about balderstone but on the other side of the river ive bumped into someone lamping while ive been barbel fishing. i know what you mean about the deer round there , they are always about on the tracks when im going home. ive just finished working up brock and the keeper and coppers are out every sunday looking for , as they put it , the dog men . they dont have much luck in catching them though , ive only known them to catch a dog the soft c**ts left behind .
  5. have a look at the prices some handmade american lures go for ,$100+ is not unusual so £35 is not to bad
  6. looks good , it will defenatly catch . size 2 hooks are too small for a 7 inch jerk bait though , most jerk baits of that size use two 0/1 to 0/3 trebles . they need to be that big because the bulk of the lure can mask smaller trebles and lead to missing hits
  7. Theres a couple of garden centers near me so ill have a look for some tommorrow. The only reason i thought about the spun polyester is i know jbs nets sell it and i found a place near me that sells a lot cheaper while i was looking for spun nylon
  8. is raylon any good for rabbit purse nets , im sure ive heard someone say they have used it for fox nets. ive found a place near me that sells it and i thought i might give it a go if its alright . they also do spun polyester for next to nothing it says its 120s , im guessing it means thickness or strength but i dont know if its like the stuff thats used in nets . its called empress mill in colne if anybody wants to have a look on their site to to see if the stuffs any good for nets
  9. ive done it with mixed results on dead baits , lives might be a bit better . theres a bloke called phil blakey from manchester who writes in pike and predators who swears by lure fishing at night and looking at some of the fish he catches you cant argue with him
  10. my old boss had 2 on the farm , a t reg single cab and a 54 plate twin cab and both of them took some proper abuse and never missed a beat . they towed trailers full of calfs or sheep or a couple of 850 kilo bags of pig feed with ease, they are good of road and comfy inside , probably one of the better pick ups around and a damn sight better than navarras and L200s
  11. where do you get the flat bands from tyla and how does it compare to tho round surgical latex and 8mm red square stuff.
  12. them savage gear lures are getting a pretty good reputation . a few of my mates do well on them and they are well made too not like the wooden fox ones which the paint cracks and chips off before you even get to cast it out. if you use jerkbaits have a look for muskie mania magic makers + squirreley burts and erc hell hounds the super stalker crankbaits are well worth a go aswell
  13. only walk the dog very early and late on now because of the muppets near where i live . ive had the usual , do you use it for hunting , i think its wrong and cruel . ive also had , its illegal to hunt , and that dogs to thin . the best one i had was off a group of walkers on whalley nab , you know the type they are only on a gentle lowland footpath but they are kitted out like they are on an himalayen expidition , bright clothes rucksacks maps & compass round neck & 2 walking stick things . they bizzarely called me a badger digger . i pointed out i didnt have a spade or indeed a te
  14. i fish for them now and again but not had anything over 3. just found out the lodge at the end of the street did an 8 last year , caught by accident by someone fishing for bits. if anybodys after a place to catch them borwick fishery off juntion 35 M6 is wick with them , doesnt matter which lake or what bait you use you cant avoid cathing them
  15. neil r

    for sale

    im putting this on for a mate , ten&half foot ET boatman 3lb test curve pike rod. TFG X1 river and stream 11ft, 1lb 2oz tc , avon top & 2oz quiver top. shimano stradic 4000 gtmrb fighting drag reel. £45 each , hardly been used. collection or could meet up to 30 miles of accrington . if anyone wants pictures pm me your number and ill text them to you because im rubbish on computers . thers a few books ill swap for some spun nylon or hemp nets , total airguns by pete wadeson. air rifle hunting by john darling , both hardbacks. ray mears essential bushcraft , softback. thanks for loo
  16. ive got the x1 river and stream and its quality , i think they are made by free spirit. i also have the 5-6 rod quiver and its brilliant ive had it since it came out and its still in good condition , my mates gone through 3 or 4 chub and shakespeare ones in the same period. the alarms look a bit naff though , have a look at steve neville alarms a bit cheaper than delks and more reliable
  17. ive just got the ordinary striker with red filter and lithium ion battery for 250 from boyces in nelson , not used it properly yet cause the dogs to young but i had a quick shine round the farm and it looks good
  18. i use skinners field and trial working 23 with beef mixed with ox heart or beef
  19. ive seen a couple in great harwood and wilpshire
  20. i wont let mine out unless me or the girlfriend is with him. ive just had to move house cause the theiveing toerags who lived next door kept looking in the yard and asking the girlriend about the new pup . i can get some ferrets now though and have a reasonable chance they will still be there in the morning
  21. i had a pair of aigle wellies , cant remember which ones they cost £65 15 years ago and lasted a month on the farm before splitting . i got the muckboot esk about 5 months ago , comfy and warm but the grip is lethal around the yard and they have started to split now ,wont be getting another pair
  22. the ribble, top barbel and chub and stick float fishing. heapys lodges for carp and pike
  23. newbie here from accrington . getting back into ferreting after just pike and barbel fishing for years
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