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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. I couldnt believe it , steve had come over from lytham for a day out and we didnt see a feckin thing apart from a couple of deer. Im going to have a look out on the lamp tonight on the footy fields near my house just to see if the rabbits are still around on there
  2. Just got back from a new permission , didnt see a single rabbit over a couple of hundred acre. The holes that we found looked like they hadnt been used for a while. Hopefully going to steve1s permission up carlisle next to bag a few
  3. Just pick an area and drive round it knocking on doors , the farmer will either say yes or no. Some people get cards and letters knocked up with names and numbers on but to be honest speaking to the farmer face to face is probably a better bet
  4. Fam 30 is what i use , we use it on the farm aswell for disinfecting the buildings . Its not cheap at about £30 for 5 litre but its top stuff , we have virkon on the farm aswell but dont bother using it anymore
  5. Mine are, idiots who sit at the lights when they have changed while the cars in front drive off . The people who pull up at the lights and stop about 30 yard from the car in front forcing everyone else to stop then when they get paranoid about the gap start creeping forward. People who when shuting a door only close it part way .
  6. I dont use spinners but ive had them on crankbaits like 6inch jakes ,shallow raiders and smaller jerkbaits, spring dawg type soft plastics are probably the best catcher for me though on the canals. Just take whatever colours you fancy, i tend to buy a light and a dark pattern when buying lures then buy other colours if they are good catchers. You can get some storm lures that are like them pike twisters Dave
  7. If you mean teramicin spray you get it from the vets , or you could ask a local farmer if they will do you a bottle
  8. I had a pair of polar zones for piking and they lasted 2 seasons of winter only use .Never had cold feet in them but they are not the lightest boots around
  9. Isaw documentry on him a couple of years ago , definatly someone you dont want to cross. If he was paid to kill them slowly he would tie them up and put them in a cave and let the rats eat them alive he would leave a video camera aswell to film it
  10. I had the esks for work and the grip is rubbish on them and dont belive the breathable nonsence they put in the leaflets
  11. neil r

    c#nnts next door

    The council will give you a bit of paper to record times, dates and type of disturbance over a period of time , they might even send them a letter but other than sounding sympathetic and claiming to be cracking down on anti social muppets they do feck all . I had the same problem not long ago and all the council did was send a letter and give a few of us a bit of paper to keep a log . It was that bad in the end that the 5 of us who were the closest nieghbours just gave up and moved. As for giving people like this a slap , they are so thick it doesnt sink in that they are out of order , i gripp
  12. i think it was the main reason for them being put in lakes originally. And despite the name they are not actually carp they are a member of the chub family
  13. got a bit bored last night so i decided to have a look for some permission , only tried 6 farms got 3 polite knockbacks because they already had someone on there, 1 outright miserable muppet you would have thought id p****ed through his letter box instead of knocking on the door. 1 took my number and 1 said yes . its about 200 acre and i can take the dogs on aswell and its only a 10 minute drive from my house. im going to have a drive out again over the weekend and see if i can pick some more up. like one of the farmers said , if you dont ask you dont get
  14. you can get off at mill hill station then go down new chapel street then turn right on to mill hill street then the junction in front of you is queen victoria street. its only 370yard from the station according to my sat nav
  15. neil r

    Anyone else

    i lost my temper with the boss and stormed out a couple of months ago , thought i would find something else pretty quick but theres feck all about .
  16. you might be right there , they could chew out of it fairly easily too i would have thought
  17. have a look at sam turner and sons in northallerton . They do 6 , 9 and 12 mm sheets of it from £25 to£45 depending on thickness . it comes in 8ft lengths
  18. i let mine out in the yard every day unless its pouring down. i have a big yard thats stepped and i put some pipes down and other obsticles and they love it
  19. me and my brother use it and never had a problem with it
  20. have a look at orchid lakes or linear fisheries if its carp your after. i think they have cats aswell
  21. mine get vitalin daily aswell as an egg or raw meat on alternate days . just been out to feed them and they have ignored the raw meat and gone straight on the vitalin so they must like it
  22. try getting someone to stand on the other side of the room with a treat and let him drag the lead over to them then do it again but walk at the side of it holding the lead and reward it . dont do it for to long though or the dog will get bored . once it will walk to someone across the room try it in the yard and then just put some treats in your pocket and try it outside , every now and again stop and give it a treat . Thats how i did mine , he was a nightmare when i tried him at first but it didnt take long once i started rewading him .
  23. i got quoted £35 from a vets in clayton le moors . didnt bother with it , i bred her and im going to to keep an hob and get him a vasectomy it will work out cheaper in the long run
  24. i give mine 1 capsule 3 times a week, dont know if its making any difference but its not doing him any harm
  25. i dont know about balderstone but on the other side of the river ive bumped into someone lamping while ive been barbel fishing. i know what you mean about the deer round there , they are always about on the tracks when im going home. ive just finished working up brock and the keeper and coppers are out every sunday looking for , as they put it , the dog men . they dont have much luck in catching them though , ive only known them to catch a dog the soft c**ts left behind .
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