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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. Is the estate near between preston and garstang .I work on a farm up that way thats part of an estate and they say 1 named person and no lamping . Ive got half a dozen permissions up there that are not worth me doing because the scroate that was the keeper at the time kept complaining to the estate mnager about lamping . Eventually they sent letters to all the tennant farmers saying 1 person only with written permission and no lamping at all . Some of the farm i go on were not happy and tried to get them to rethink but even though they got rid of the keeper it still stands .
  2. Theres a little circle on the top side , just touch that against the matching circle on the bottom of the reciever and it should start beeping
  3. If its in good nick its worth having , you couldnt get a new set up of the same quality for that much .
  4. That wouldnt be a bad set up to use and it will cover you for most jerkbaits and soft plastics , depends on what he wants for it though . Personally i prefer shimano multipliers to abu , they are just a bit more refined , but either are more than upto throwing big lures all day . I teamed mine up with a cortland musky rod and threw dawgs and jerkbaits upto 7oz no problem
  5. Mines prince buster , madness
  6. I fished a couple of times about 5 year back and had 1 scraper 20 , a few doubles between 12 and 17 and a jack all on big herrings suspended on a sunken float .
  7. Ive got 90 to 100 (ill count them later) mole traps for sale , some new some used . Theres 30 odd from bethyl rhodes , not sure what the others are but they are not the cheap big chesse ones . Ill take 120 for them , face to face only because it will be too bulky to post NOW SOLD
  8. Anyone know where i can get some 205 75 15 insa turbo rangers , i cant find any in that size even though they must make them because ive just bought a car with them on . If i cant find any ive seen some general grabber at and at2 , goodyear wrangler at ,some kumho at in that size , are any of them any good .
  9. Ive never tried braided jesses before but a mate convinced me they were well worth trying , so remembering an old thread on here i ordered some off Rob (ayrshiretaxidermy on here) and he did me some flying and mews jesses and a leash for £20 delivered , a bit more exspensive than leather but they are top quality and should barring losing them last a long time . Anybody thinking of trying braided equipment , get in touch with Rob , hes good to deal with and the quality is spot on .
  10. Thats the one ive got but i got it direct from the shop website rather than ebay . Its the same price even though it says 17 on the site untill you pick the size.
  11. http://www.fishingmad.co.uk/lsmv-lead-sinker-moulds-all-shapes-all-sizes.html This is where i got mine from . Size 2 does 12mm balls .
  12. Is that teramycin or just the purple spray stuff
  13. round here some charge 15 for setting traps 15 per mole and fuel money for homeowners and 10 per mole plus fuel for farmers
  14. Earnie shavers had a fair punch , dont know if the link will come up but watch the stoppage of tiger williams at 1.35ish the ref is a good judge of weather williams is fit to carry on
  15. Agouti is the man to get net making gear off . Dont just crack on with the spun poly and waste it though , get some jute from the pound shop or wilkinsons and practice on that till you feel you have got the hang of it
  16. I dont drink anymore , used to but i was a proper lightweight so i gave it up as a bad job
  17. You must have worked for my old boss . The wages can look good on paper but the amount of hours you do for it makes it just not worth it . At times its a case of get up go to work come home go to bed , get up go to work etc . One upside is its easy to get permissions , the downside is you dont get much time to use it .
  18. neil r


    Used to work on a farm , im now doing bird control with falcons on landfill for more money and a hell of a lot less hours
  19. Hasnt worked , i can never get pics up on here . It was under 200k aswell
  20. wats her speed like neil r ? Shes pretty quick especially the initial burst of speed , but my lurcher can catch her up and leave her behind easily , he is lightning fast though. Shes only for ferreting though so the early speed and speed of reaction is perfect for the job . Ill try and put a pic i took a few months ago up , dont know if it will work though
  21. Ive got one of his thats about 10 months old and out of his bitch , bess. Shes been sound with the ferrets and livestock but retrieving can be hit and miss , thats probably more my fault than the dogs though. If i can sort it out ill put some pics up later
  22. What kind of fishing were they doing . The rivers are closed for coarse fishing but the trout season starts at the end of the coarse season. No doubt some people carry on though because they are unaware of the seasons or dont care and some bend the rules by claiming to be trout fishing with worms. Either way the notion that the fish are left undisturbed to breed is not strictly true , the game fishermen still catch them by accident and also some fish breed later in the year when the coarse seasons started again anyway
  23. As above , just google the hunting life and it comes straight up . You might struggle to get on though if your on the rubbish orange network , its orange safeguard wont let you view the site
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