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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. I did think he’d do better at wsm but he’s has just won the shaw classic . Most if not all of the the contestants were the line up of the wsm including novikov , carron , pritchett , bishop , Terry Holland’s and Luke stoltman plus others . It was an heavier contest than wsm aswell and because it was his own contest and he won he split the 1st place prize money amongst the other contestants rather than take it himself . Jf carron also broke the big z’s hummer tyre deadlift record with a lift of just over 545 kg and it was the first time he’s done that type of deadlift .
  2. He is and he’s having a fight before that against someone 12 stone lighter , not even picked someone who’s a proper heavyweight , he’s picked a cruiserweight
  3. It’s probably true that there’s less mink about because of them . Used to see them all the time but it’s a lot more common to see otters than mink now and other than altham , and I’ve not fished there for about a year so it might even have changed there , it’s only in a few areas I still see the them .
  4. I see them further up around altham even though there’s otters there aswell but not seen any down by the abbey stretch for a while . I do see them occasionally on the ribble aswell around balderstone/ribchester areas but not like you used to years ago
  5. Went down on the Calder this morning for a few hours to see if I could get past the minnows and get anymore big chub on the stick . Put 4 balls of thatchers original in when I got there with some hemp and maggot and then loose fed maggot and hemp for a bit before starting and was in to grayling from the off on double red . After about 30 of them plus half a dozen brownies I switched to double white to see if it made a difference and had a few more brownies and some chublets around the 3/4-1lb mark and then had this small barbel . I know they are in there but they are nowhere near as common as
  6. Thought Thor had retired from strongman now
  7. Been following it online best as I could without a live stream and thought without keliszkowski competing that it was shaws best chance of a 5th title but he struggled throughout . Tom stoltman did well especially after his last place in the Hercules hold but it isn’t surprising his grip let him down after watching the way him and Luke trained for it . What was a surprise was him winning the log medley which isn’t one of his strong points . He smashed the field in the stones as expected and I think he’ll definitely be a future winner if he carries on improving the way he has . Also don’t thin
  8. Did Warren not say he was fighting at the Albert hall in December , probably against kabayal if he signed the contract within 24 hours
  9. I’ve literally just been on a group chat on WhatsApp with a couple of mates going on about that . Can’t even get rid of the ad like you normally can either .
  10. I use lansky croc sticks , the grey and white ones . They come in a wooden box that have a couple of different preset angles for the sticks to go in but I don’t use that I just do it freehand and just hold the one of the sticks in my hand . It’s not hard to get them shaving sharp in a minute or two with them .
  11. My dad has mnd and it’s fckin horrible to watch . He was a strong bloke but started having the odd fall a couple of years ago and nobody could find out why . I think at first everyone put it down to his age so it took a while for the doctors and specialists to find the actual cause and in just that short space of time he’s gone from living a normal life to being in a wheelchair and you can hardly tell what he’s saying . The speed of the deterioration is pretty quick and he hasn’t even got the worst version of it , he’s got the same as Stephen hawking had .
  12. This guy must be properly special , his first fight back after his ban for doping has been cancelled because he’s failed another test . You’d have to be a bit backwards to do it straight away again knowing that all eyes will be on you after the last time https://apple.news/AMotCLmKaQJiYm35b4vR7Wg
  13. I’m not keen on Abu , much prefer shimano . I’ve had various c3 & c4’s all Swedish ones including the black jerkbait edition and they were nothing special tbh they were a bit agricultural .The reels I had on my big setups were the corvalus 401 for the really big 6-12oz stuff and the 401 Cardiff for the average 3-5oz heavy lures . They are round profile reels but bombproof and not that expensive . They do low profile ones aswell if you prefer that style . I’ve had fox , daiwa , savage gear , ET , greys and cortland jerkbait rods and they were all alright , I’ve actually still got a fox w
  14. Not used a fruck but Phil Blakey has done a modification to the suicide ducks to improve hook ups . You can see it on this vid
  15. My brothers had this with hoseasons . They cancelled on him and sent him an e voucher with a time limit on it even though he said he didn’t want it and wanted his money back . It took a while but he’s eventually got his money off them . He also had a refund from rynair aswell but they just paid him back .
  16. It messed him up for a bit but he stopped wsm because his goal was to win it and he said once he won it he would have achieved what he set out to do and that would be it
  17. I used to do a bit of guesting on some ponds years ago on a course just outside Blackburn when I worked on a farm over that way . Had loads of perch on lures , nothing big but loads of them . I started doing the moles on a course near me earlier this year , there’s no ponds or rivers on it though but I do get free golf
  18. neil r


    It’s a surprisingly long way . I’ve had them at the deeps but no further up . Someone on the group has had one above the weir though
  19. Having the same problem on my phone . Just been getting a white page but I can get on if I google the forum and click on whatever section I want
  20. neil r


    There’s another vid of the osprey catching a flattie off the bridge today . They haven’t set it to share so I can’t put it up but it’s on the river ribble catch reports group on Facebook
  21. Couple taken on my old iPhone 7+ and a couple on my current iPhone XS max
  22. neil r

    Gyms shut

    Anyone seen the mental prices some people are asking for weights on places like marketplace and eBay recently . Saw one with just 45kg and a cheap bench up to £415 with 22bids so far on eBay .
  23. I saw it on the news and thought it was rubbish but when I did my shopping online with Ocado I couldn’t believe it , nearly all the decent branded toilet rolls were sold out in all variants and they only had the really cheap stuff nobody wants left . Also the earliest I could book a delivery was 4 days after the order so it does look like people are panic buying Just had a quick look on Ocado again out of curiosity and it’s all in stock now so it was probably the result of the media scaremongering that caused people to to panic buy it
  24. We had a normally good as gold sow that smashed a metal gate up in the yard and then smashed through the shed door to get to us when we had to check one of the piglets . Had to dive over into the next pen and out the door to get out the way .
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