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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. I’ll lure fish for them but not bait fish in summer but if you do want to bait fish don’t mess about , don’t use the John Wilson method of watching the fish run to the next county before striking , hit them straight away and don’t keep them out of the water for long because they are pretty delicate . For traces don’t use the heavy flouro/mono because no matter how heavy you go they can go through it like it’s nothing . I know flouro is getting more popular with some of the youtubers because of what they see over in Scandinavia and the states but they rarely if ever show the bite off’s they get
  2. I’m not sure if Pendle and Burnley do day tickets on the calder at altham , I’m sure they used to at one time but I dropped out of the club a few years ago so things might have changed . If they do it might also cover their stretches behind the bowling greens at Padhiam and behind cornfields fishery . There’s radacs ribchester stretch , I get them on the opposite bank and also the bank between ribchester and woodcutters so no reason why you won’t get them off ribchester front . There’s also the ribble passport day ticket stretch below the aspinall arms which gives you from the bridge right rou
  3. F flies are so simple looking but they just seem to work wherever I’ve used them , even done well with size 18-20 ones on stillwaters . Never had a char even though the odd place I’ve fished has had them , in fact I can’t ever remember seeing one come out of those fisheries either , the nearest I can remember is a char cross called a sparctic . As for grayling the Calder and ribble near me are wick with them . Over Christmas I was hammering them on the Calder on the stickfloat , sometimes getting 40+ in a couple of hours from a couple of oz to a couple of lb’s .
  4. The other little box I carry . The one with the yellow tag is a good grayling fly aswell , think it might be called treacle parkin but I might have got that mixed up with one of the others
  5. These are some of mine . I tend to use either the f flies in olive , black or pink or sparkle gnats on the rivers with the sparkle gnat and pink fly being pretty good for grayling when they’re in season
  6. I’ve got an Ngt xpr pod and it’s not too bad , not perfect but good enough for the price . I wanted a compact pod to go with my little Daiwa ext rods and saw it on ebay for £38 and took a chance and it’s as good as the Nash pods I’ve had in the past . The slight negative is the bolts that hold the folding legs on the main body are not the tightest and I think could be lost at some point if you don’t nip them up every now and then but once put together it’s ok . This fellas done a bit of a review of it here
  7. neil r


    I used to do it on the tip and the peregrines used to try on there . The little tiercel used to stoop at a female gyr/saker but never hit her . She used to spin over just before he got close to grab it and it would jib and try again a couple more times before bottling it . It was amazing to watch how she could see it and time it right and the reactions of the tiercel to avoid getting nailed himself . This little male gyr/saker was hit by a peregrine on there but luckily didn’t suffer any damage other than loosing a few feathers , he also survived getting run over in a dozer , luckily he w
  8. neil r


    A mate was telling me the other day that his brothers just paid £3500 for a cockerpoo , more money than sense .
  9. neil r


    It went for £89 plus the postage
  10. neil r


    It’s mainly the lack of stretch and it’s not wiry like mono
  11. neil r


    Thinner braid will be like cheesewire . The 30lb I use is .26 , 50lb .36 and the 100lb is .60 . I’ve got a bulk spool of 80lb aswell that i use for jerkbaiting . That’s down as being .50 and I’d have no concerns at all using that either straight through or as a shockleader if the 100 runs out
  12. neil r


    Bear in mind I use 100lb braid shockleaders so it’s fairly thick , I wouldn’t fancy whacking a big lead out with thin 20lb stuff .
  13. neil r


    No never had a problem with it . Started using it about 25years ago for lure fishing and then exclusively for deadbaiting and now for sea fishing. The only time I’ve ever cut myself with it is when I’ve been really pulling hard when tightening knots up . Never cut myself casting even with 6-8oz leads and big baits and I don’t wear finger stall . Never had it damage the eyes on a rod either . The only slight problem I’ve come across is holding bottom when it’s double windy and there’s a lot of weed about . Because of the lack of stretch it can trip the wires when you get a clump of weed hit the
  14. neil r


    I did have a dabble with the new mag 4 when they came out and it lasted 2 trips before packing up so swapped it with the shop for a magged fathom 2 that I put abec 9 ceramic bearings in and it was not bad but I can cast as far with fixed spools so went back to them for ease of use . I’ve got 30 and 50lb braid on with 100lb braid shockleaders and can put baited rigs well over 100yard with hardly any effort on a straight overhead cast
  15. neil r


    Have a look at the okuma 8k surf , I was using them last year and they are spot on , handled rays , bull huss and smoothound no problem and they’ve got brilliant line lay and they’ll cast as far as your able to . I used to use Shimano’s but don’t think the quality on lower to mid price models is what it used to be so I took a chance on okuma . Liked them so much I’ve actually got a couple of their 6000 size mini pits coming today to go on some daiwa 10ft ext rods
  16. neil r


    Shimano tld15 multiplier . It’s never been out of the house , I bought the reel and an 20/30lb ugly stick on an impulse because a few of the lads had some good tope trips on the blue mink last year and I fancied having a go . I get really seasick though so I’ve decided to stick mainly to the rivers and the pier
  17. neil r


    My mate sells loads on there and said the same but I haven’t got the patience for it
  18. neil r


    I’ve had an email off eBay saying they’ll credit me the final sellers fee so hopefully it’s all sorted now . I did see the option to re list but can’t be bothered with messers so decided against it
  19. neil r


    Think it’s sorted now , my mates got some concierge service thing with them and rang them and I followed the steps they told him
  20. neil r


    I’ve took it off altogether now , can’t be bothered messing about . I had the same on Facebook with someone who arranged to meet me for it and never turned up and someone who asked me to get a price for postage and then he’d send the money but then disappeared . They were the reason I put it on eBay in the first place
  21. neil r


    It’s the first thing I’ve put on there and only did it because of the Facebook messers. The messages were through eBay and I’ve also screenshot and kept the email that came to notify me of the message
  22. neil r


    Anyone know how things work on eBay . I sold a reel on there yesterday and someone kept outbidding other bidders and won it , every time someone bid he outbid them a second or 2 later . He didn’t pay yesterday and at half 5 this morning messaged me and said he left the country yesterday and it was too expensive and asked me to cancel it . I had a quick look and if I’ve read it right , if I cancel it I’ll lose the final selling fee that they have already taken and get some kind of markdown for pulling out . Also if I cancel the only option given is to refund the buyer even though he never paid
  23. Nice one, bet them mullet and bass pull back a bit . Ive had 120 , 123 and 125s but tend to stick to the abus so I sell them on if someone asks me . I sold the last one , a 123 only a few months ago . They are not bad reels at all and are very useable , and even though it’s irrelevant to the actual fishing i just prefer the character of the old abus even though I’d still buy them again if i saw them at a decent price , likewise the Shakespeare international cf and ryobi technomatch cf100 but I’d draw the line at the hideous looking dam coffee grinder
  24. They are all in pretty good nick considering the age and they all run brilliantly . First thing I do with them when I get them is totally strip and clean them to get rid of the old caked on grease and take the pawl out and put the handle back on so it’s pointing to the 6 o’clock position so that I know without looking that the spool is at the bottom meaning the line will come off the spool easier without having to go down and back up the bell housing . The 506’s have upgraded handle bearings aswell . Do they react badly with the salt water or are they ok if you wash them as soon as y
  25. I’ve got a few old Abu reels . 2 506’s from 71 and 74 , a 501 from 79 , 505 from 69 and 503 from 68 . All bar the 501 have been converted to backwind and I still use them for all my river stickfloat fishing .
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