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neil r

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Everything posted by neil r

  1. There’s no mistaking it now , he’s turned into a fair sized bird and I think the nicer of the 2 . The one with the white tail is still the dominant one but the one I wasn’t sure about has shot up and is slightly bigger . Seems to have paired with the hen in the nest box aswell and follows her everywhere, even stands in front of the nest box and waits while she’s laying
  2. Bought a few traps a couple of weeks back but I’ve only made one box so far so only been using one . Had 7 so far from the side one of my chicken coops as they come out from underneath . The coops only been there just over 4 weeks so it shows how quickly they turn up
  3. Just stumbled on this on YouTube. Didn’t know the Monday’s was a cover
  4. Going to be cold on the fingers today Edit- it was grim , only managed 3 dace and a couple of missed bites and the eyes were constantly freezing up
  5. I know , I could have done with them at the time though and he was fairly local so I tried more than I normally would .
  6. I’ve given up trying to sell on Facebook. You get messages asking if it’s still available so you say yes and they never respond . Another one is if you’ve got something up for say £100 they’ll message you and say £20 cash and I’ll collect tonight , like they’re doing you a favour . I had one clown from Chorley message me within minutes of me putting a reel on saying he definitely wanted it so we did a deal and I arranged to meet him next morning at darwen services . He never showed up and wouldn’t answer any messages . Buying can be as bad on there though , I’ve responded to a fair few ads and
  7. I’ve got a few silkie Sussex hybrids , light Sussex and cream legbars just for eating eggs and some rare breed houdans and Swedish flower hens for hatching eggs and chicks and now the old English game bantams .
  8. They are , I tried to get him to part with another dark hen to make a trio up but he wouldn’t go for it . I want a break from building runs and pens for a few weeks then I’ll knock some more up and get some Pyle and ginger and maybe some black red - partridge if I can find some
  9. Managed to get these today on my way back from picking some more Swedish flower hens from maryport . Got them from a bloke in Penrith . That will do me now till I can get some more pens built for some other colours
  10. Thanks , they don’t seem as easy to get hold of as I thought . I messaged a bloke on one of the Facebook groups that said he’d have plenty this month and heard nothing back and rang someone off preloved advertising a few different colours but he only had a mixed colour pair
  11. Thanks for the offer but it’s bantams he wants
  12. My brothers after a trio of oeg bantams if anyone’s got any for sale . Red Pyle preferably but black red - ginger or Furness is ok . Anywhere in Lancashire- Cheshire- Cumbria and West Yorkshire
  13. No , they went a while back . I forgot to update the post
  14. Loads of cabbage whites and a fair few red admirals aswell on my pen . Plenty of bees and millions of annoying wasps too
  15. This was some of the lures I used . Forgot to mention the ima glide in sexy mackerel colour
  16. I don’t do it now but used to do a bit of bass lure fishing and I favoured hard baits over soft plastics . Not because they are better , just because I liked collecting jdm lures . My favourites were ima hound glide , ima sasuke , longin franky , longin hi standard , and megabass zonk . Top water wise have a look at xorus patchinko , xorus asturie and mechanic lures auto walker. Colours I favored in hardbaits were cotton candy , joker , 500g , yellow , white and sand bora . For soft plastics , savage gear sandeel , savage gear gravity sticks , fiish black minnows and pays bass jj minnows in
  17. That’s interesting , I’ve got another one in my other run that looks similar that I’ve wondered about . I’m going down after dinner so I’ll have a good look at both of them
  18. Just messaged a mate and asked him to nip on and have a look while he was down . He sent me these pictures and said he thinks it could be a cockerel but the other one makes you think it isn’t because it’s more advanced. He thinks it’s a slow maturing and it looks like saddle feathers are coming through
  19. I’ll have a proper look when I go down later , I don’t think it has though .
  20. I think you could be right . It’s one pullet less to buy when his next lot are ready if it is
  21. Got given 2 Swedish flower hens today , both are 18 weeks and from the same hatch and I was given them as cockerels . The bloke had sold one as a cockerel and the other as a pullet but got given both back with the person saying they were both cockerels and as he knew I needed one he sent me a few pictures and asked if I wanted them . I said I only wanted one and decided on the one with a white tail so didn’t pay much attention to the other one but changed my mind and decided to have the other as a spare . I took them home and put them in a run and stood there watching them with a few of the ot
  22. Not much flow but it’s a bite a chuck on the stick and waggler
  23. They are easy to work on if you haven’t already done it . Looks like the piston washer is missing in the picture and I couldn’t see if the piston o ring is still on . I got the tw chambers premium tuning kit with the standard spring when I did mine and layer decided to get a t r robb piston head for it and also made a piston sleeve and it now shoots pretty well with no twang . It would also be worth making or getting a spring compressor off eBay to make it easier to put back together
  24. Savage sandeels and fiish black minnows I did alright with for bass , pollock and wrasse when I used to do that kind of fishing . There’ll be copies on temu and Ali . 9 7 tungsten are doing some lures that are worth a look and rooneys lures seem popular with the sea lads
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