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Everything posted by Hobbes

  1. Well I can't be of much help other then to tell you that the best dogs for obvious reasons come from Nova Scotia. I too have been impressed with this little dog as well and people I have talked to always seem to recomend "Little River Kennels" in Yarmouth. Here's a link to the site http://www.toller1.com/ Hope this can help a little bit.
  2. Thank you all for the warm welcome. Runforyourlife I don't think I will be chasing any cotton tails with lurches this season as I still have to acquire a dog for that purpose. I will probably just be going into the woods with a shot gun to get the job done. Although I will be looking to this forum and the knowledgeable people in it for advice on lurches before I get one.
  3. Hello I recently took up hunting and was looking at trying something a bit different. I was thinking of trying to use a sight hound or lurch on cotton tails and Jacks. I have been trying to do a little research on the topic and this place seems like a good place to start. Thanks
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