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Everything posted by blackbullet

  1. hi i am looking at buying a lamber field shotgun 12 bore just wondering if anyone on here has or has had 1 and what there thoughts were on the gun thanks bb.
  2. some info i am looking at a Baikal IZH Model: Izh 27 Em Over and Under 12 bore multi choke just wondering if anyone has this gun and how they rate it for a 1st shotgun i dont want 2 spend 2 much on my 1st gun. will be used mostly for rough shooting and clays.
  3. blackbullet


    be funny if they go down and hes playing in championship 280.000 wouldnt get out of bed lol
  4. u should train that hen like a harris hawk save u some cash on fixing your gun
  5. this country is over run buy pakis,poles,philapinos, taking all the jobs for piss poor money working man cant get jobs now . me i would kick the lot of them out bnp should be in power in this country they got the right idea. prince harry should be given a medal.
  6. they 2 heavy for what i would like they will have a turning curle like a double decker bus on rabbits plus speed .think they would be ok put back 2 a pure greyhound. good look with them.
  7. classic pleased u like it mickyrichardson. happy hunting dont forget u will learn alot from the countryboys posts. sorry like well a good way 2 start.
  8. better than your 1st post slagging someone of?????????/ whos post ?? blackbullet this is his 1st post and its just gonna turn in to a slag thread not a hunting 1 will leave it at that gazza may be i should not of slag this guy off but still it made me laugh
  9. better than your 1st post slagging someone of?????????/ i speak my mind simple as that.
  10. i would like as many rabbits as the next hunter but come on u seen the pic of his breeding program it looks like the pen in pets are us. :db: as for the wolf lurcher well u make your mind up.
  11. hi i have just joined and been reading countryboyos posts the wolf lurcher then the rabbit breeding and wants someone to catch 1 for him ha please read his post is this piss take please? has a terrier that he does bushing with but theres no rabbits to bush were he lives please put some pics up so i can see if u do any hunting.
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