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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. bigdan


    ive got a set of genuine milbro forks and elastic but i would want at least there going for money like that now
  2. ive heard there better than the saluki ive not had one but i know of some people down here who had them really good dogs
  3. dont blame you....'GOOD' you talk f*****g gibberish!...'I talk however i want'...i'm big on parity. I tell you something that ain't gibberish....there are no Gypos marching up and down the landings in Belmarsh making anyone have anything...easy to work out. do you know any true romany travlers and are you on drugs have you had your dull money or something had some gear so we are grasses now comeplete bollucks youv clearly never met a romany we have pride and honour and do not steal or grass dont get us confused with other people im really sick of this and as for pakis you dont s
  4. why is it people always say burn the caravan is it becouse of the film snatch im not to be tard with the man who done this i aint a dog thief or irish its disgusting what he done but saying youre kill familys is worse that is f*****g sick why dont you go see some travelling men instead of shout behind a screen zig zag what area if i can help i will
  5. do you know every dinlo in your community no so why would i there are differences in familys/ areas ect i feel really sorry for the lad if i could help i would but you tell me why we have to prove anything to you or anyone like you it really is irrelevant whose done this as wether hes a genuine gypsy a non gypsy or as we think a dirty f****n tinker theres a line you dont cross -its called women kids and old people and this wanker crossed it -hes no more than a beast I AGREE HE'S AN ANIMAL I HOPE YOU FIND HIM
  6. do you know every dinlo in your community no so why would i there are differences in familys/ areas ect i feel really sorry for the lad if i could help i would but you tell me why we have to prove anything to you or anyone like you
  7. 2 words game and terrain it all depends for day time salukix greyhound maybe saluki/greyhound collie/greyhound do daytime and intelligent easy to train
  8. problem is digzy you know yourself theres a world of difference between a romany gypsy and an irish travler a world of difference but we get tied by the same brush usally id defend travlers i know it was only one man out of thousends who done it but what a c**t i really feel for the lad i wonder why he didnt go for the saluki most travlers would go for the courseing dog could it of been on order maybe someone seen it
  9. really sorry to hear that mate i hope your son is ok and i hope that b***%*d gets whats comeing to him
  10. i just dont like springers for bushing rabbits to big perfected for beating but not for me for bushing
  11. i had a bedlington springer never again not a cross i like wouldnt again but bedlington cocker i would have one of them
  12. braveheart i think we should still them and breed them to jack russells only kidding boys is that caspa pure saluki
  13. caspa is right we get blamed for alot im a travler not a dog thieve
  14. once he was up north when he saw the best dog he ever seen a pure courseing greyhound it missed first hare then went on to kill 7to9 hares he couldnt remember the dog was for sale for 8 pound but back then 8 pound was strong very money it was also the biggest dog he ever seen but he could russell up 4to5 pound shame
  15. i met my grandfather earlier very much a country man a true romany this thread isnt to start an argument its for who are interested in old storys and old ways i showed him my dogs he said i like them but son why you hunt i say i love it heritae all of that he said let me tell you when you got 14 children not much money you have to hunt to feed it aint fun then son you dont have the opion of jackers or pets they fed after use they were true workers 24/7 he told me they used to take bread with them he said jam sandwiches attracked deer he also kept some if the dog had fur in its mouth when pol
  16. i only mean a bit of beddy did merlin and eve have beddy in them i know saluki is my favourite ingrediant mine are saluki/grey mix bit of collie in there but ive seen soom only feel's like this morning but clearly pre ban that had beddy maybe only 1/8th but it added spark to them
  17. some of the best courseing dog's ive seen have got a bit of bedlington in then a make up of mostly saluki greyhound with a bit bedlington i know there are many other breed's im just seeing your thoughts on this do you like a bit of beddy in there has it help you im not talking lamping or strait wippet/greyhoundxbedlington's im mean just hare courseing pre ban what,s your thought's
  18. terrierxcocker is the one you want brilliant
  19. she's a very game dog i suppose if it dont make the grade i can use them for bushing the dog i would use is brilliant a real machine im very confident in my dog but i dont want to waste my time
  20. the thing is she's one of my best bushing bitch's i dont want her going to ground on a rabbit becouse she would i would like a digger just for digging and ratting
  21. i have a very stronge bitch she's cocker russel lakie pat lakie very stronge ive never had her to ground ive been giveing digging another try with different people at first was'nt for me but im really enjoying it my qeustion is do i breed my own terrier i would want a i know of patterdale very good dog i seen him work he's proven six season's of real hard work under his belt my bitch has never let me down never she's taken fox above ground in bush's ect ect real hard dog would you say dont waste your time get one out of 2 proven digger's top line's or do you think it would be ok i think
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