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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. complete bullshit he just wants to look good
  2. im sick of racist gorgy wankers i think there should be a traveller moderator make it fair i vote digzy
  3. sorry to hear that warren good luck i cant wait to get that pup next week will be a cracker im going to have her with my bushing pack i cant wait
  4. how do you know they were travellers is it becouse were always good looking i think this story is bollucks
  5. i'll take that cous look after your own first in all ha ha
  6. jack ward some people on here genuinly have no money so for them you have now made it harder when i was 14 i had to work give my mum my money to help with my brothers and sisters i didnt have any money but it made me wiser let this make you wiser i believe your 15 i also believe your probily a typical know it all 15 year old but that stuff could go to some body who genuinely needs it mate dont bother argueing with people on here im sure most of them sit in front of the computer all day in white fronts waiting for dull money and only see hunting on western films take it from me you see th
  7. thats the one thank you very much
  8. bigdan


    kingsmill x hovis you see just like that if theres a question or a true commet fair enough but it is annoying
  9. bigdan


    every time we get something interesting on here we eithr argue or filll the thread with nice dog mate 20 plus times and people quoteing over and over it makes the pages longer and harder to understand some of us have difficulty reading and understanding whats been writen is there any rules to stop this could some be made up or am i on my own on this
  10. is that your dog but i dont see the funny side sorry
  11. i feed mine raw chicken wings it does them the world of good and also complete buiscets you need to find a poltury wholesale 6 pound in money not weight does mine for 2-3 weeks and i feed them well i also perg them once a week on different days to let th digestive system catch up and i dont feed them for at least 1-2 hours after a hunt or run for the digestive system it it dont have to be expensive to feed them in all cost me for 3 dogs about a fiver a week thats 2 terriers and a saluki x
  12. beddy wippet or greyhound you think i had a 3/4 wippet 1/4 beddy i sold to foxy jo o thissite i had to at the time i think i need another
  13. what do you think is a good dog to used in this way im thinking a wippet x for flushed rabbits something very fast on the kick off i work alot of tight path gouse bush's and very tight cover i dont want the lurcher to bush but not to back away from them either i mean if the rabbts gets to a bush hes backing of it must be game enough to smash throu what is your toughts on this im thinking small very nippy i got saluki x for bigger spaces but big for some of the terrain cheers dan
  14. 350 is to much but on working ability i suppose it depends on whats in the lurcher is well and i bet people once said this about the bullx
  15. i can happily say i got one comeing very soon and cant wait
  16. i only pay 5 pound a week to my uncle for my horse
  17. well said brookie and as a travellin man i never heard barty gorman ever getting beat and good luck to tyson fury
  18. ive meet some furys there a very hard fighting breed there related to barty gorman he was the best traveling man to put his fist up tyson also looks like dan rooney id bet there related he had some stopping power unbelievable im not sure about tysons boxing ability but i bet in time he will be a big name in the travelling world as a figher believe me them boys are breed to fight maybe with less mouth more experience he'll be good very fight hes learning
  19. im looking to start a rat pack in dorset theres allready 3 of us genuine terriermen only sensible people also if anyone has any pest problems in dorset let me know anyone interested
  20. bigdan


    im sorry to hear that but it could of been any breed of people and people are bad in your community is well mate so i will not have that
  21. does it work thick cover well deep cover it hunts kills rabbits on its own im very interested has it got a docked tail
  22. bigdan


    i didnt want this to be a slanging match you dinlo dont start it ive tried to show narrow minded gorgy people were not at all like that i aint got the time of day no more weve had good people on this thread if you aint got nothing decent to say then dont say nothing
  23. bigdan


    thank you nightshiner and yes some people inter marry my grandfather is half irish hes a darty he also married a irish women whilst still being married to my nan whos a stanley she didnt know so i got aunties and uncles who are dochaties sorry dont know how to spell it but im nearl 100 percent english romany
  24. bigdan


    im am dark is well i dont know of all the irish roots but mine is romany gypsy probely from india or egypt it depends on what family your from
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