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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. bigdan

    gay lampers

    take some vaseline and join in no one will know lol. only jokin gays dont bother me just if they started getting off with each other it would make me feel uncomfortable.like the lad said just tell them your straight they should be allright thing is [bANNED TEXT] iv told them im not like that ,lookin at these blokes u would never think there like that :kiss: , i will carry on lampin with them but no funny stuff,im out tonight with them should be fun
  2. bigdan

    gay lampers

    thing that got my back up is, as soon as 1of there dog got something there run round and jump 4 joy and then turn there sights on me start kissin my cheek and that , and i thought this ant right all of this
  3. cut story short lads, few month back met up with couple lads whos into dogs and do lots of lampin and stuff anyway been out few times with them now and every time were out, there bit touchy feelin towards each other at first thoughtthey were f,,ckin around but tonight they told me they been with each other 4 over a year, dont think i could go out again with them what would u do
  4. ok mate cheers but iv not yet seen a good dog from portsmoth way but atb with sale
  5. jeff burrows stuff ,,,jackers and puppy peddlers
  6. how long have u had her whats she like with other dogs and were abouts are u cheers
  7. i lived on sites its different we got kitchens and wash rooms you might pay you to get 2 a smaller cheaper one for cooking and showering eating and keep your nicer caravan like a show one that will keep your newer one nicer and easier to sale on again winters can be hard depends were you live but i think its the best way of liveing good luck
  8. mate if you need help let me know dirty c**ts could it be someone running other types of dogs like bulls or rotty's i heard of this before dirty c**ts im only saying that to try to give you help mate if it is lurchermen the dog world is small you will find them wankers remember me if you need help cousin
  9. as far as im aware they were walking a feild all leagle everthing its bollucks and both banned
  10. please could someone tell me why my cousin has been banned from driveing for courseing he was walking the feild all leagle anyway why is it to stop people getting around and if so why dont they ban burgalers pedo's ect ect please explain
  11. do anyone have any info on a dog called swoop well known courseing bitch my best saluki is from her just trying to find out more about the dog and lines picture would be great cheers dan
  12. what about people driveing the feilds i have lamped hares not 1000's but i have and ive had them run towards the lamp
  13. You are exactly right . . .just like rabbits, ive seen hares lamped ,( not by my dogs ) it leaves a taste in the mouth . Get on salsbury plains or out on the fens give em 100 yards+ and it can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Alfy , enjoy your hunting , its good to see the next generation , i wish you all the best , we come from different ways thats all, but its not just the fox hunt that have traditions and i would be doing a dis service to the old timers who taught me if i didnt point it out. I was told you lamp deer foxes rabbits but never hares. Also a fox is always he and
  14. bigdan

    Horse Stolen

    you gorgy shit houses im a genuine romany i aint a thieve it is a fact we are cleaner more careing good natured better looking clever people who look after are children more not nonce them like a gorgy family do you see us putting dogs stolen go to your local filthy drug ridden gorgy houseing estate why cant you leave us alone i bet most of you hve never even seen a romany as for the one whos nan go mugged i feel sorry for your nan i hope hegts what he deserve but that is 1 outof a 1000 muggers ive moved in to a house and after xmas back in a trailer i cant stand it in here these fou
  15. i got mine last night im so happy with her its a true credit to warren a gentleman and true dog man i cant recormend him enough
  16. 1 of the best x's you can get
  17. i'll put the word out down here but look out at stow
  18. i got alligator majorca and rasberries
  19. my cob is musterd on caterpillers i want 10 grand or new hobby trailer
  20. bigdan


    i live in poole 5 minutes from shop im going lamping tonight i'll chuck on the counter and say make that smell nice
  21. i am a traveller i pay tax i work everyday i even do church services what right have you got to insult me and my people my cars are insured ect i will not justify myself to you a no good gorgy but i hope one day you will meet one of my travelling cousins i bet ive done more good for people charity work ect than you or most your people UP THE ROMA GYPSY'S
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