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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. can anyone tell me the laws on deers with dogs cheers
  2. just seeing if anyone can help im just about to bye a lamp im thinking a lazerlite deluxe 7a/h battery pack canvas pouch with mains charger will it do the job powerfull enough cheers dan
  3. sorry to hear that mate sad news
  4. ive alway's been told a year or fifteen month's for hare's let them build strangth and healthy lung's ive seen dog's ruined becouse there ran to early or over worked but i suppose it depend's what you hunt and depend's on breed i would go for rabbit's then move on when dog is strong enough ive seen dog's dis hearted becouse they couldnt catch the hare but that's the owner's fault for being to eager and not careing about dog's just result's but i think training and exercise bring's result's good luck
  5. can anyone tell me about wippet's been speaking to a mate he bragged them up as all rounder's good on hare's lamping you name it ive never had one myself alway's thouht about it and what are bedlington wippet's like cheer's big dan
  6. where you to mate is there a bitch
  7. i think if anyone who's a dog thieve they should be named and shamed then kicked in im scared of mine being stolen i live in dorset if i happen to hear anything i'll let you know good luck with new pup
  8. she maybe 2 week's so no good for a jab she's only about 20inches i had her planned for a saluki her nipple's are big and she's still bleeding should i still try and hope
  9. ive been away for a bit come back my 3qauter saluki qauter scottishdeerhound was left with my lakeland/parson's terrier i fear they mated does anyone know what the out come will be and will and what could i use them for do people ever breed running dog's and terrier's together when i went away she was'nt on heat
  10. i am a travler and never stole anything sick of being tied to same brush there's good and bad in every culture your's and mine and by the way hedgehog is nice try it you bake it in clay over an open fire ive been reading what people have been saying now im a spiritaul medium do sunday service's and do me best to help people if you are a gypsy travler what ever you come from a family and culture people cant be ignorant anymore of each other i now live in a house becouse i want my children to have a fair chance but am proud of who i am i dont wont to argue with people i want to get on if you wa
  11. im in a bit of need for advice i have a lovely good working terrier but he think's he's a lion and not good with other male's but it's jelousy as we'll as dominant's im now wanting to get another and worried there figth can anybody help
  12. i know there is no foxhound in mine it might just be a gypsy saying but these dog's make good alrounder's the staghound has never let me down on anything i hunt and make very loyal dog's does anyone know what a greyhoundxsalukixcolliexgreyhound's are like
  13. the type of lurcher i use in my family mostly is what we call a staghound i dont know if it's the proper term im a travler and that's what weve alway's called them mine is three qaurter saluki qauter scotish deerhound they mostly have greyhound but mine dont some of my family say it's the same as a norfolk lurcher just a bit bigger i think a good lurcher depend's on what you hunt and were if you have a soft footed dog for the fenland's it migth struggle and hurt it's feet in hard ground like dorset . but i think stagehound's strong and fast make good all rounder's and a beauty to watch hunt
  14. trying to find out about bedlington terrier's and especialy crossed wippet are they good for a bushdog do they hunt like people say or does anybody know of a good breed for bushing
  15. hello ive got a love for lamping and lurcher,s im looking for a breed like your,s what are they like
  16. bigdan

    fox & Cats

    yes mate and a small puppie once farmer asked for help it took most of his cat's got it lol
  17. hello mate there is another fair in fordenbridge it was in the countryman's weekly forgot date do you know by anychance
  18. cheer's good to be here we'll of lamping now hope to get a bag full but it's working the dog that's the good part seeing the hard work pay off what do you hunt with nice picture this is my first time on a website has it been help to you
  19. new to this today great to speak to like minded people got some decent dog's i work lurcher and terrier just had to get rid of one to good home lo kepted fighting with other's broke me heart but other's are working better than ever
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