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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. bigdan


    mine are acting strange to me pup keeps trying to fight with doors and me terrier x keeps jumping up in mid air for no reason being a spiritual medium i thougth it was i spirit but no i think me dogs are going mad but dogs can sense alsorts a round them not just the liveing
  2. were would i buy snares how to set them up ect never done it and would like to advice is greatfull
  3. its not just that ive had problems with this terrier hes fine when working but even near my house hes murder ive been working a long other dogs walking ect fine at moment i aint got the room to separete them i should of known better i was irrisponsible {spelling} i know i can only have bitches around him i thouht becouse hes older hes ok O no big mistake but pup is now in new home a good working home me brother i couldnt take the risk aint fair on dog
  4. im going to have to let the dog go terrier wants to eat pore little fecker 100 pound dorset
  5. only just got him 22 weeks old like a sandy colour dont know for sure but he and terrier aint getting on lovely dog i was given the dog but it stands mee 100 pound {i had to do some plastering for him } all im asking is 100 pound but must go quick he he does basic comands fetches and so on aint got digital camera im in dorset
  6. been given a wippet 22 weeks old friends sister breed it and got bored beautifulll looking animal but ive never had a wippett im hopeing there good on rabbit hare rat elephant the normal any advice the best way to work them do they lamp well ect my question's migth be a bit stupid but never had one i know they work well daytime bushing with terriers also how much to feed them ive been giveing him same as teriers any help would be great bigdan
  7. bigdan


    love a good drink big dan
  8. mine is also kuss kuss skueeeeemmmmm followed by all sorts i embarris everyone even if me dog chaseing a bird in a play park people must think ! its that big 6foot 8 20 stone crazy gypsy again {thats me }
  9. been round them all my life mainy courseing and bushing but only got my own about 3 years since moved out and married they were my dads
  10. i always try to have a spaniel in mine i completly agree with that there was some cocker patterdales on here they would be excellent ive got bedlintonspringer and lakelandcockerbullpat bit of a mouthfull i think any terrier will do bushing given the chance
  11. congratulations and good luck to all
  12. i agree bedlington wippet good with family is well
  13. ive post twice today and it keeps disapearing it says eror swans and patterdele v plumber or am i going even more crazy
  14. does any one go bushing in this area and have experienced dog for me and mine since i retired my lurcher me terrier needs to work with some one welcome on my permision
  15. im a travler would i get a way for being an indian i might try that in dorset
  16. i was just told of this breed does anyone have picture or information i was told it is like a whippet
  17. not at all she thinks i hate rabbits i dont i love them so much i want them all she dont like me dogs to house proud says they smell but i think she loves it when im gone out of her hair
  18. im 6ft8 and 20stone [of muscle of course] i get to hot love the winter but not when i was travelling its hard then
  19. for a good friend money waiting good working home anyage taken prefer a year pm please
  20. ive got a bed spring bedlingtonterrier springer spaniel onlyfive months looking good hunting the garden well anyway got her for bushing she should be very good
  21. a good alrounder saluki collie greyhound
  22. not judgeing anyone i know people can be evil to dogs i didnt want it to seem im being nasty toward anyone just saying its a responsibility to look after all of them i wasnt talking about anyone in genral but when i got my dog from kennels when she was stolen there was loads of running dogs just dumped not wanted anymore if thats the case for anyone we should take the time to find a good loveing home not just give it to anyone i would keep her as a pet but no room i think haveing a dog is more than just working them they give us there all we should them
  23. i dont think you can go wrong with a patterdale good above and below
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