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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. just seeing if there are any rat packs in dorset hampshire or wiltshire that would let me tag along terriers are well trained ive got complete respecked [spelling sorry] for land and people pm if possible bigdan
  2. she is very good just getting a bit big for what i want her for
  3. well ive got a beddie/springer and can she work she grown the size of a springer she would be perfected for beating flushing bushes long grass the problem i have she getting to big to work the gouse bush i want her for she will smash throu it i dint think she would make that big ive got her up for sale the next time iget a beddie ill cross with a pat or smaller terrier but a very good game bitch a real beauty shame to sale but if interested please contacted me pm or 07929481396 bigdan good working home only
  4. i aint got a camera hes a sandy fawn colour starting to feather well and im in dorset
  5. i know his grandad was a good dog called ghost all of his family have been high number catchers 3 out of 3 and so on his mum was sold for just over 2000 dam was pure saluki sire was saluki greyhound reluctant sale but i do more bushing now days and im a stronge believer in getting right dog for job and his line have vbeen out and out hare smashers the feilds i work now are better suited for a wippet
  6. ive always loved courseing ived got a courseing pup for sale ive put him up for 250 and for the breed that is very cheap hes 3/4 saluki 1/4 greyhound hes 3 months old parents excellent i could put him for a lot more but sooner him go to good home for reasonable price so if interested ring 07929481396 soon as possible for details
  7. i have a bedlingtonxspringer shes the most keen dog ive worked go on any bush the problem is were i hunt theres a lot of gourse bush heevy nettles ect ect i find shes smashing her way throu but were shes getting big she slowing down as she going throu bush she 14 months energy work allday my question is do you think springers are to big for bushing she will make springer size
  8. right i dont do any cooking so complete beginner i want to roast a rabbit and need to know how to go about it gas mark the lot i aint got a clue well everyone needs to start somewere dan
  9. ive just got a 3qauter wippet qauter bedlington now as the ban i'll never be able to take it hare bashing ive never ran this breed before do anyone know how it would fair on hare before ban that is . i know will make good rabbit dog just wonder about hare's
  10. good luck mate i know how it feels wouldnt wish it on my worst eneny good luck
  11. will get picture soon as possible
  12. my best bitch is is about to have pups she's a lakeland x the sire's a pure red parson's terrier good fox dog i use the mother for bushing rats rabbit ect ect i want 200 for bitches 150 for dogs but im after a running dog so willing to do a deal wippett or lurcher the father is very good but the mother is one of the best terriers ive ever seen bigdan
  13. www.dan clarke foreverlife .com have a look tell me what you all think cheers dan
  14. like a deerhoundxgreyhound are they good on rabbit fast round bushes becouse i bush with terriers is we'll
  15. looking for a alrounder most mine have been saluki x looking for rabbit deer hare the normal moocher thinking of a collie grey or wippet grey how did they do on deer pre ban of course your help would be wonderfull bigdan
  16. migth be a stupid question but are they good gaurd dogs is well
  17. good luck mate you might be lucky i was when my lurcher was stolen so chin up and good luck
  18. the sire is a red parsons goes to ground mustard on fox the dam is cocker patterdale pitbull jrt x lakeland that is her true line shes one of the best bitches on vermin and rabbit ive ever seen has had fox dont go to ground pups will be born soon when they do ill get pictures of mum and pups 200 for dogs and bitches no fancy names just generations of great workers pm if interested cheers dan
  19. i get it every week and i enjoy it most of the time think it needs more for working dogs
  20. they hated us before the war it goes back thousends of years we need a rebellion to protected ourselfs and stick together
  21. bigdan


    good luck i had a dog taken once and got her back i reckon usaully they know you ba575erds hope you get them back
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