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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. my family used to breed what they call a staghound like a deerhound or rough couted lurcher sort of thing a pot filler old sort of lurcher but i thought the greyhound would of been the most populer dog for courseing hare
  2. proven worker all the way but still dont make good without proper training
  3. got a couple of pups a 3/4saluki 1/4 greyhound and a 3/4whippet 1/4bedlington both have had a tugg and a play with a rabbit but today i took them out with terriers i wanted them to have a chance on some younge to bring them on i only took one terrier as i wanted them flushed to the lurchers not killed by the terriers they had a few runs really happy with there progress they didnt catch but it was the experience for them im going to get me one of cameras for pictures next season how do you bring your pups on
  4. i thought that is well very worried about speed maybe trying to get us to mention fox ect like mine can take fox single handed becarefull but might be ok this sounds like a job for the a team
  5. just wondering they do look a hansome animal but they would be to big for digging i personly think to big for bushing i prefer a smaller dog could they run a rabbit fox ect or will they be for gun work retrieveing sorry if this qeustion has been asked i thought they were an british dog for hunting not used much anymore exepted shows what im trying to say is if they aint used much anymore maybe for a reason do you know the reason just a qeaustion
  6. if it works then its a working terrier people think you must dig a terrier i dont think so mine a rats and rabbiters and do it well i am awere it must be hard to find a good digging dog as any terrier should be able to hunt rats /rabbit some better than others were bushing is concerned they need to watch a nother dog when pups but mostly there nature will make them hunt im not a digging expert but i bet it takes more to train maybe im wrong
  7. she is mad for rabbit i think i might just keep her at what she good at
  8. i got a lakie type terrier only done rabbits done very well at it so far doing me proud im wanting to put her to ground to try her now ive only ever hunted rabbits but a lot of people are asking me about takeing care of foxes on my permission i know people say an earth dog shouldnt do rabbit but thats her main job is she to old any advice would be good as im a novice at this cheers dan
  9. has my post about deer dogs been moved it wasnt against ban wasnt even in this country cant find it
  10. mate i hunt with did a brother x sister mateing with his bullxgreyxwheaten grey the pup he kept back is doing well also hes had good reports back about the other pups both sire and dam were game hence the reason for the mateing just a thought if you have a dog same litter as your bitch near you that way you know what the pups will look like and if they like game with sharp teeth good look what ever you choose not an expert but is brother and sister a bit close to breed not a dig a genuine question
  11. first i aint getting involved i dont think people should breed for money or pass on crap as workers it is are responsibility 2 find these dogs good homes i dont know kreet and aint getting involved but there are known dog dealers handcock and so on but people still buy of them it seems maybe he is just trying to help friends and find a dog a home if he is then good luck done it myself we shouldnt pass judgement until we know the truth
  12. i dont hunt for sport for food or if asked i dont like to run a hare this time of year but if i needed food i would i dont really hunt fox but would kill cubs if i was asked there pest usally i dont hunt fox i cant eat it if i had any pups comeing on i would run them to bring them on but it does my head in when people say me dog got 3 out of 3 today [in the summer]hardly a challenge for a dog of any sort of ability
  13. i always take my pups bushing first to watch start to scent and watch the big dogs depends onb the breed i would say about a eight months to a year for bushing ive know courseing dog ruined being ran to early they might jack or become yelpers so depends on breed and game start easy take your time you cant rush a good dog takes time some of my best came into it a bit later in life about 2 had a good bitch at 21/2before first time she was run so between a 12 to 18 months should be fine its easy to break a dogs spirit its hard to build confidence age experience helps bigtime
  14. just pups about 5 months shame but hes moveing on to a site were you cant have to many dogs only 3 hes got terriers is well
  15. first its not for me itsme brother has two pups a 3/4 saluki greyhound and a 3/4wippet bedlington he might have to get rid of one now i would help but cant aint got room i need to know your opinons on the pros and cons first he mainly wants it for bushing flushing from terriers and lamping i'll start i think the better will be the wippet x as there game fast and leglly you can only hunt rabbit and so on even lo the saluki x is handy for bigger game i suppose my question is is a wippet od the same job as bigger dogs but is a bigger dog as good on rabbit as a smaller one as i s
  16. bushing is my way of hunting i got na springerxbedlington very good but out of experience not again or any type of springer strait or cross patterdale is a good hard terrier all rounder you wont be let down by a patterdale or that type of terrier ive got a couple can be stuborn but hunt allday i think a springer is to big for the type of land i hunt would say better beater for birds than in tight cover the terriers i got my family have been breeding the line for years well my grandads dad had them the same line they could be used for foxes some have but we use them for rats rabbit ect
  17. springer x bedlington will make excellent beater or picker up all litter mates being used for that 14 monyhs old not enough room will take sensible offers only good homes need apply i can send you pictures by text 07929481396 bigdan
  18. 2 terriers 1 bed/springer 1 saluki greyhound 1 wippet/bedlington ok when out have had fights around feeding time mostly have to feed seperatly bedspring can be funny 2 other bitches
  20. im not far from there really use to go courseing that sort of way before blair f&$ked the country
  21. ive got a 3/4SALUKI 1/4 greyhound for sale good breed both parents excellent sandy fawn colour no fault of his own i just ndo more bushing with terriers and me wippet now he will make good dog in right hands bigdan
  22. i let my dogs follow learn of the olders but depending on the breed wont work maybe a year depending what im hunting
  23. i got a bedspring bedlington x springer i was going to sale her but she does me proud i couldnt get rid she well work aaaallllllday she will sicken me before i sicken her above ground that is she would be to big below
  24. just seeing if there anyother travlers on this site just an interest i cant be the only one just wondererd bigdan
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