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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. is there any info or help someone saleing a dog going to put it down i'll have but need some help
  2. can i import this dog some how will anyone help i'll have it but im in the south of england
  3. just me then looks like i'll win on forfit if nobody join's me
  4. like the lurcher boys but a bit of fun dont have to meet up keep a record of what packs are doing what rabbits caught by the terriers just a bit of fun were see the most productive bobery pack and if your going to lie dont feckin bother how about it
  5. why are borders the best im not an out and out digging man but i know they dont bush as well as other breeds they dont have the fire of a pat please tell me why there the best over priced show dogs more like i aint anty border but for 250=500 pound they didnt show me anything a 100 pound blacken did'nt they are a beautifull dog but looks dont fill your belly or make the farmer happy but like i alway's say it's down to the person and how they train them
  6. i was thinking of putting a wippet over mine it would make a good thing they sound very similler in many ways good luck mine was very loyal good dog
  7. bigdan

    starter bird

    looking for a bird of prey to start with what would be a good bird harris i was told im going to do pest control with it sea gulls maybe ect ect pigons mainly for birds maybe rats and rabbit but mainly birds and does anybody have one for sale
  8. has yours had anything yet verygood noses mine was a size of a springer used to hurt herself going throu bush that did'nt stop her but she stoped hunting after a while dont know why
  9. i was ment to be there today do you know of any working dogs that way im only in poole about 60 70 minutes away i found that she was to big for what i wanted her for shame
  10. im not anti border me brother has agood one but they cant do anything a patterdale cant do and there twice the price why ?
  11. bed spring it looks just like my one theres a picture on my website go to www.danclarkeforeverlife.com and have a look its in 1 of the page's ive found out i rehomed her supposidly to a good home they could'nt be bothered for her so let her go without asking me if i wanted her back they give it to a rescue centre i just hope she's well i cant find her ive looked but i would say bed spring
  12. hows people getting on bushing ive been doing well been out a far bit already had over 20 rabbits just with the terriers
  13. i have always used them milbro or dead shots i used leed shots as ammo brilliant tool
  14. im just getting info at the minute it will be next in me pack im in no rush the right one will come a long soon enough
  15. i just think its fair to say people dont give there dogs a chance ive met many who go with the fashion breed of dogs then give it up some dogs just dont have the determination ect that is true i think the best way to train is to let them see a dog thats already working for sure
  16. i would give a dog at least till its 2 1/2 3 before i gave up but i dont need record breakers i need pot fillers
  17. ive never had one i will one day im sure but i only ever hear them on bigger stuff what are they like on rabbit do they crunch it to bits just your thoughts
  18. at what stage would you say a dog has'nt made it i know it depends on what you hunt but ive seen a lot of dogs blamed hes a jacker ect ect but its the owners fault not trained well enough or exercised a couple of days ago someone said to me if a dog dont catch by a year it wont i think this is a load of bollucks and they should be given a good chance what is your point of thinking enough and when is it are fault
  19. for bushing i think for me i would want a smaller cocker how does it fair on rats mate i bet there good alrounders
  20. didnt think we had summer yet im still waiting there aint seasons anymore same all year round just bring on the months with an r in them
  21. has anyone got info on this breed pictures ive heard good things about there bushing what size do they make ect
  22. ive never had a problem but i dont send my terrier's down holes them plummers really look good im thinking of makeing my pack abit bigger and looking for the right dog well the next is a wippet x but then as long as i got enoungh permision holds up
  23. ive had springers and found them to big for tight cover i would love to have a cocker patterdale i had a springer x beddy before she was going well really well then all of a sudden stopped would never enter a bush again no matter what i tryed i know people say its there nature but some do it better than others as for the staffies i like to eat my what i catch
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