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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. cheers lads n c i understand what your saying but i didnt ask for pictures and i certainly want have a new hobby next year ive only ever done terriers and lurchers but only bushed wuth terriers people talk about genuine dog people iknow there hard to find but becouse someone is new at something dose'nt mean they aint genuine dog people ive had terriers all my life me dad before and so on the only time i never had a dog when i was younger we moved on a site were we was'nt a load dogs but thats it always working dog's to get into digging seem's the next step im doing it for pest control for farm
  2. compo that sounds good well compare tallie's on sunday or monday and story's
  3. well its good to know what terriers does what ect to choose the right dog i do a lot of bushing but diggings a different game im going to get a digging dog just for digging no bushing rabbits ect just digging thinking of a patterdale maybe nuttale line's
  4. mate theres plenty of people on here can tell you i aint an fecking anti i didnt ask how they work just the correct words for it i do more hunting than most have all my life just new to digging and not a lot of people near me do digging i did say that so who's going to tell me the foxes
  5. yes mixers sound best to me maybe draw dogs aint got a digging dog this season but i will for next season not new to hunting but i am to digging it seems a true test to a terrier what there breed for but truely bushing is me love
  6. mate they know more lingo more about hunting than most of us here thats how they would catch someone by knowing thing's i asked a far qeustion i think so if there is any anti's watching
  7. bump is there anymore bushers out there
  8. swanseajack i think this is a top idea mate good on ya fella my terrier's are x's a lot of mixes but i like a stronge terrier not to bully about 12 inches give or take stronge heads good jore one that when im hunting the dog dont run mile's away hunts around me im new to digging so i cant really comment there but it would be one that dont get to beaten up to badly i will not have a viscous [spelling] dog to humans i could'nt forgive myself if it got to a child if a dog bit my child i would kill it simple as that good nose is vital and hearing mine seem to listen a lot this gives p
  9. right im about to make myself look like a tw#t im only just getting in to digging only done bushing with terrier's so explain the talk to me bayer draw dog ect ect everybody start's somewere i dont know many boy's who do it so im mainly learning of here
  10. compo were only count on what terriers kill not lurchers so then its fairer to all
  11. it all counts we'll start a fresh this weekend or a point system a point each animal maybe 2 for red ones but this is better for bushing rabbits
  12. i cant get hold of him so i assume hes at a vets i'll let you know thank's for your all your help
  13. ive got 2 terriers is well were just do it with terriers mine dont kill massive amounts mostly flush but they do kill i think 2 or 3 terriers is enough for bushing anyway i got me saluki x not much cop for bushing im looking for a wippet x the terriers i got slinker she 1/4cocker1/4jrt1/4pat1/4lakie so i just call her terrier x and i got her daughter flick she that x norfic terrier thats the 2 im also trying to get a cocker/patterdale only count what your terrier kills
  14. the same happens to me i'll try straw i think give it a go
  15. as i say its a mates dog but i think thats what hes done im trying to hold of him now
  16. MY mate just rang me his dog has a lump on his back not eating or drinking bearly walk he lives on a nature reserve could it be a adder bite he's had all injections could it be a bad bite from a rat he's swelled up round his cock is well the vet want see him till tomorrow earliest is there anything you can do to help the dog its in a bad way it started yesterday
  17. mine sa an alrounder salukicolliegrey but it depends on what and were your hunting
  18. my lurcher ripped his blanket out the kennel it got soaked hes been on a wooden floor for a bit well my saluki x fur has come of his elbow's at the front legs im getting more blanket's today do you think it's were hes been on the floor hes back legs look reddish is well hes well looked after this is the first time i had this ive had lurcher's for year's but it looks like it aint looked after do you think it is the floor
  19. dont know about fox mate we could just do rabbit clearly becouse of that ban word just bit of fun a tally up at the end of the season but if you get the bullshiters just ruin it with lies no point starting it
  20. i'll take your dog mate i'll have to sort out a transporter please pm me a number or something i'll give the dog good working home
  21. do you know how to get in contacted with them i live 2 minutes away from poole track so thats handy
  22. were do they deliver the dog
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