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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. bigdan


    Good morning right I'm asking advice on one of my terriers bitches she's a very very good bitch 5 years old i normally work her with her dam but I've retired her this year well i went bushing and the bitch seems to be really pickle headed she'll go in after a little while then after 45-60 minutes she stops hunting and just walks around I'm taking it as its because the dams not there ? ? ? or maybe the dam kept her going I'm not sure as i know what she can do well anyway i do have a bit of ratting permission and I'm wanting to get more into ratting do you think this will sharpen her
  2. bigdan

    Rat Smoker

    I'm looking at getting one of them rat attack mk2 smokers has anyone used the and are they any good if you can let me know that'll be lovely thank you
  3. bigdan

    Please Help

    yeah still with the dam I'm only putting it on at night for them
  4. bigdan

    Please Help

    thank you mate thats helped
  5. i got a heat lamp on some pups about 4 foot higher than them new bulb today do you think that'll be ok there in an outside shed i don't want them to get to hot please help
  6. i got a 10 month old springer bitch will work any cover already fully papered no problem with her I'm just more of a terrier man she liver and white mother and father work well I'm in dorset £450
  7. what would you say is the best bedding for an outside dog please
  8. what would you say the best bedding for dog boxes is please i normally put blankets but they keep pulling them out cheers
  9. bigdan


    the bitch is an excellent bushing dog and yes id love a pup out of her but it was accidental thats why I'm concerned over her health i wouldn't of put her to another dog i didn't mean i want to breed her for a pup just saying id like another as she's the best bitch I've ever had
  10. bigdan


    only 4 foot fence at the front of a plot
  11. bigdan


    it was a jack russle smaller than her
  12. bigdan


    please can you help urgent I've got an 10 year old jack russle very strong and fit she's had 4 litters of pups the last one was 4 years ago i live on a site and i just came home and a dog has jumped the fence and crossed her I've phoned the vet i can get an injection but i would love another pup from her do you think she'll be ok to breed at that age i wouldn't want to hurt her please advise me
  13. bigdan

    Please Help

    Thanks dare He's a cracking little thing recalls perfect already I got high hopes for him he's not in any pain playing walking eating ect I've put him in a crate for now hoping hell be good
  14. I've got a 11 week old puppy he's perfect in every way but I've just noticed only within a couple of hours he's front foot has gone floppy he can walk play don't seem to be in pain at all But when he walks and stands the foot flops back and it's like its stood on the front of the foot I can't get hold of a vet till tomorrow what do you think it is I can't see how it's hurt its self it's been in the run with the dam It's a patterdale x cocker Please help ?????
  15. I know mate I was told after I brought it so you think it'll be ok ?
  16. I brought a whole deer from a local stalker he said he shot it about 1:30 am but didn't gut it until about 12 :30 pm ish do you think it'll. Be ok I always been told to gut straight away I don't stalk deer so some help would be good cheers
  17. What time channel is Yukon men I missed it I'd love to go to Alaska hunting
  18. Does anyone know of any litters going
  19. I'm looking cocker x terrier I'm thinking a jrt cocker x I think with my terrain in dorset it'll be perfect has anyone worked this type have you got any pictures ect And does anyone know of any litters or young uns for sale please let me know Cheers
  20. I'm gutted the dogs dead I the dam bit it the other 3 black uns perfect I keep biscuits near by she wasn't eating I gave her raw chicken wings she must of taken it in the whelping box She must of snapped at the pup I went in the check its stone dead But it wasn't feeding as much as the others It had 2 little bite marks on the head and ribs What do you think it is I've breed terriers never seen this before I am proper gutted
  21. I know it might be a throw back possible but I know the breeding to the great sire and dam for the dog and great great for the bitch I never seen anything like this I spoke to other people who work that line none have ever had a white one
  22. I've breed my chocolate pat across a black pat both are patterdale throu and throu She had 4 3 black but ones white Like I said there pure pat I've never seen it I been around terriers all my life Has anyone else seen it is it normal it has one black spot on the back of its head So it's not albino or anything like that What's your thoughts cheers dan
  23. right how can i from start to finish use the fur from the animals i catch to make to safe to humans so it dont rot away like blankets , coats ect ect i know it can be done i just want to know how cheers
  24. are you going to keep it to eat it they taste lovelly
  25. ive got a cousin to look after the pups and hes going to be keeping the bitch is well after all its only till we steal another 1 anyway wanker i was trying to find out about the health of the dog i know how to raise look after pups well i been round dogs since a child and as for the wanker who wished them dead first it aint my dog secound i will and do take my dog to the vets but only when i have to its just the local vet is no good narky woman to my nephew i should of explained there is a lot of people on this site who can vouch for me
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