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col g

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Everything posted by col g

  1. i only ever leave mine in with the jills for a total of three days.that is long enough in my eyes and ive been breeding ferrets for a good number of years.if the hob ferret doesnt strike the jill after this ammount of time it will normally take it out of season anyway.just keep an eye out for the jills swelling to subside.this normally takes about a week to go down.if its still swollen just re introduce them and try the same again
  2. best hare dogs ive seen on.......NOT ,ive got ferrets that can course better than that
  3. im pleased i dont live near you or this little fecker would have been in a 2 foot trench pushing daisies by now.my deer/grey would have made sharp work of it.my mother in law has three of these little ankle biters and one of hers is xactly the same.it has lost one of its eyes fighting with the father in laws german short haired pointer
  4. col g


    the shed door is normally closed and locked if there is no one in,but i thought with our lass being in the house they would be ok,but she decided to close the curtains and the little bugger went in and opened the hutch doors.if the ferrets had kitts there would have been hell to pay.and i would have had to be subsedised for the loss if the jills had gone and the kitts suffered
  5. col g


    the same lad was in the shed a few month back with my youngest lad(theyre both six).he decided it would be good fun to take a can of green spray paint out of my shed and paint his hands with it,he tried to deny all knowledge of it but unfortunatley his hands told a different story
  6. id been out shooting tonight to get a few pigeons for the ferrets.ive arrived home with my mate and he noticed one of the ferrets in the yard .i walked over,picked him up and put him back in the cage.i got the rest of the gear out of the car and went to put the birds in the cages for the ferrets.i then notice the bottom cage has been opened with the two jills in and begin to panic as there was no signs of them.luckily enough both of them were at the back of the shed playing in amongst some old hold alls and a couple of buckets i use for fishng.after getting them back in their cage i came in an
  7. cheers for the advice mate .ive been on with him this morning and he has eventually brought the ball back to me with the aid of treats.he was just mucking about at first with the ball until he realised there was a reward at the end of it for him.i threw the ball for him half a dozen times,and every time it was brought back it was placed in my hand.the dog was given loads of praise and his treat.i gave him a treat three out of six retreives .but its progress.i will keep on with this method and hopefully it will get him right..thanks to everybody for their advice,its been much appreciated chee
  8. the pup will chase a ball/toy along the ground no bother.he just gets it into his head that it is better to bugger off in the opposite direction and make his own fun.he watches my old dog bring the ball/toy back to hand but tries to grab the ball /toy out of her mouth as she is doing this which is also something i need to get him out of.i didnt get the pup til he was 8 weeks old.i prefer to have them at about 6 weeks and get them started straight away.i will keep on with the training.i wont let it beat me and hopefully get the dog to realise that has he ever brought the toy back pro
  9. the pup will chase a ball/toy along the ground no bother.he just gets it into his head that it is better to bugger off in the opposite direction and make his own fun.he watches my old dog bring the ball/toy back to hand but tries to grab the ball /toy out of her mouth as she is doing this which is also something i need to get him out of.i didnt get the pup til he was 8 weeks old.i prefer to have them at about 6 weeks and get them started straight away.i will keep on with the training.i wont let it beat me and hopefully get the dog to realise that
  10. cheers for the replies everybody.i will just keep going with the retreival training and try a few different things to see if i can get him right
  11. ive tried him in a passage way in the house ,he will bring a ball/toy to me but wont let go.if i reward him he drops the said toy away from where i am and thinks he will get a reward but he doesnt,thats how i was thinking of trying with him again in a few weeks once he has a little more age on him
  12. 23 views and not one answer
  13. just need a bit of advice as im a bit rusty on this subject.im at present training a saluki/whippet greyhound x collie /greyhound pup.ive got his recall spot on,he sits on command,walks to heel.the only thing im having trouble with is getting him to retreive.the dog is only fourteen weeks old so im not expecting miracles from him yet.he will chase his favourite toy once thrown for him but he runs away from me after picking it up.i have read plummers book about how to get the pup retreiving,gave it a shot but it hasnt worked.the dog seems to think im playing with him,which is a good thing.but
  14. i paid 26 quid from b and q for mine
  15. well done ldr mate and youre dog.im over the moon that the right dog won.ive heard on the grapevine that "mark is selling his running dogs and starting with "JACK"russels .all the best mate
  16. frontline will sort this out mate .one of our lasses cats had them and thats all the vet gave her for them but when it says dry up any excess don't put the poor buggers in the tumble dryer LOLOL pmsl smart arse
  17. frontline will sort this out mate .one of our lasses cats had them and thats all the vet gave her for them
  18. how old is the dog?the only tip i can give you is to get the dog out in the field with you.once youve got the ferrets to ground ,keep the dog on a lead and just keep him/her next to the sett and let it hear whats going on.once it sees rabbits bolting and gets used to their scent it should hopefully all fall into place from there.some dogs take to it naturally and some take a bit of time.what ever you do DONT force the dog into marking or it will mark every sett wether occupied or not. watch the dogs body language while its around the setts,if it does anything thats out of the ordinary it could
  19. 393's or zr 13's i think is the other ones.the zr's are hearing aid batteries and can be bought from boots the chemist.the 393's are sold on e bay in the hunting section
  20. theres one on the for sale section on here mate with two batteries,the kid is open to offers
  21. i had a similar problem with one of my dogs a good few year back.i was running him on some farm land with a lot of hedges on.he took off after a rabbit which headed for a gap in the hedge line,un beknown to me or the dog there was some barbed wire which had been cut and left lying.the dog was flat out when he hit it.needless to say he was in a mess.his chest and left hand side were torn wide open and he also punctured a vein in his leg.he was taken straight to the vets and laid up for a good while.hope youre dog makes a full recovery and all the best col
  22. saluki/whippet/grey x collie/grey,hes now 13 weeks old
  23. the pup looks like a plummer terrier mate
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