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Everything posted by Hucky

  1. I, like most people, have no real interest in the politics between NOBS and PuBS, the financial standing or management structures, but what I do know is that I paid my £5 to NOBS, registered my interest in beating, spoke to them at various Game Fairs re-ittereting my desire to 'get involved', and was told to 'keep trying'. One kindly soul told me to register with PuBS, guess what ? yep, I was offered my golden opportunity. Now that tells me something - shoots in my area either recruit through local contacts, or through PuBS. At the end of the day, either may help you, but you need to keep on
  2. As a newbie who knows bugger all about everything, I bought this book and now I know a bit more. At the end ofthe day,if you know it all, well done, if you know bugger all, learn. Better still, if you know it all - teach those who know bugger all. I bought the book and like it. Thanks for writing it Martin.
  3. Hi, welcome bud. Let me warn you you are on a slippery slope, we started with chickens as well and somehow aquired a dog and a few air rifles along the way.... this is a great place to find info and I hope you find as much info here as I have. I take it you have all the chicken info you need... treat em mean to keep em keen, we fed ours way too much they got lardy and stopped laying, but I guess we all have to start somewhere. In this day and age you can stand alone keeping animals, hunting etc so forums like this are pretty much the only place to communicate sometimes, the rest of the populat
  4. Guilty confessions - went a bit mad last weekend when I went out to buy my eldest his first air rifle, a BSA Meteor Mk7 and came home with an SMK 15 for little un and a 2nd hand Umarax Beretta 92 FS CO2 pistol as well...... wife very not happy........... I have pleaded its not my fault, the shopkeeper made us hold them. Still, at least the kids will let me have my S400 back (told wife she can get one as well but not at all impressed)
  5. This is my first post, so hello to everybody, I have read plenty of info on this site which has greatly increased my knowledge and enthusiasm,(I now know quite how useless myBorder Terrier is as a hunter as well as how little I know about pretty much everything country pursuit related !!! LOL ) so thanks, and now hopefully I have something to offer back... How about Luckyard Farm - http://www.luckyardfarm.com/ in Exmoor ? We have just booked for a week with the kids. Again, we are in fairly similar circumstances, Dad is well keen (S400) but never had the opportunity despite trying a few times
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