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Everything posted by torchey

  1. Nice looking dogs mate darker one reminds me of one of mine died last year
  2. The only one I haven’t seen is mindhunter so that’ll be my next watch
  3. That’s a corker of a day mate that lizzy penny is really nice if ever selling give me a shout they called Henry v111 copper nose because he used copper in with his silver I think it shows in them coins
  4. A few more I’ve found over the last couple of months top left Edward 111 right Elizabeth 1 middle Elizabeth 1 and a Henry v1 plus an arrow head which is the only one I’ve ever found
  5. Not really sure mate but most monarchs would have an initial,crown,sword etc on a trade weight so could be anyone really
  6. What makes you think Henry mate is there any markings on it cheers
  7. Job lot of curry paste cooking tonight
  8. That’s a corker of a day where did you go out from
  9. A few keepers I’ve found lately Bronze Age chisel charles 1st shilling Charles 2 penny
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