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Everything posted by leiba

  1. how much u after pal? im interested as a cud do wid 1 4 them long courses when its jus not enuf 4 a striker, let us know as am very interested. cheers..
  2. is chillin wid my beautifull 4 day old daughter

  3. ive just had 1 kept bk till friday as thats pay day but am getting it from gardners guns near carlisle its the only 1 they had n its marked at 130 so thats [bANNED TEXT] am gettin it for, cheers 4 the help deciding every1 a guess iv made the right decision, happy hunting
  4. ive neever heard of a wam caller where would you get 1 from and how are they used go onto ebay n just type in wam fox caller, its just a brass disk bit bigger than a 50p coin put it inbetween ya teeth and lips and jus suck or blow to make numerous sounds. think there about 12quid but worth it cheers mate when i get 1 i will let you know how it goes just remember what blackpack said which is entirely tru, but if i was to base it on trying to call 10 in id say iv only seen 1 turn its back n walk the opposite way, but it wont hurt 2 try eh. happy hunting
  5. ive neever heard of a wam caller where would you get 1 from and how are they used go onto ebay n just type in wam fox caller, its just a brass disk bit bigger than a 50p coin put it inbetween ya teeth and lips and jus suck or blow to make numerous sounds. think there about 12quid but worth it
  6. cheers csd88, am just wondering if iv made the right choice, but then can only find out, afterall fridays not far away..........
  7. if ur hands not working get a wam caller i have 1 and it never fails.
  8. no bother will do, cheers johnbhoy
  9. just wondering if any 1 is using 1 of the deben lithium batteries and how they perform with a striker compared to a 12v 17ah lead acid battery as iv just ordered 1. cheers.................
  10. this is 1 of the pups from the same sire which mr poach bred with his 45pnd rabbitin bitch, the dog runs enything u put in its way n will take all legal quarry, it will run rabbits all night long. until last friday hed only ever seen 1 charlie which was during a beating session last november then when we were out lampin last week he retrieved 2 single handed within half hour (piks will follow) , i cant fault this dog as he has done me proud, he even runs the odd big bunny n shovels them up like a council worker pickin up litter, he runs the beam, comes straight back 2 hand n is a belter work
  11. ill have to agree with mr poach on this 1, these will be the MUTS........ this is another pup out ov the previous litter n its keen as mustard .............hard as nails .............. n can run like a fookin rocket oh n it'll take anythin in its way. it runs the beam walks to hand and is becoming very obedient. the pic wid the 2dogs is brother n sister my dog on right n that was his 1st big bunny..
  12. u bin poaching my poachers permission mr poach tut tut tut
  13. nice1 mate wish we could bag that many in 1 nite dont even think ive seen that many bunnies in th last month its ded as fuk where im at
  14. 1/2 saluki 1/4 collie 1/4 grey. 5 1/2 month n 4 1/2 month
  15. yes u cant fookin beat it with a gud sunday roast

  16. defo the striker 170 variable u just cant beat it........
  17. looks like a mixxy lol ad av a tat like that anyday. nice 1
  18. definetly a nice big dog fox then a daytime hare 4 me maybe even the postman or sum little fooker who'd be tryin 2 break into the shed
  19. well done mate cant wait till mine gets his 1st on his own
  20. nice 1 cant wait 2 start runnin my pup it seems like its taking 4ever.again well done mate
  21. try www.lamping.co.uk ive herd thats ment 2 be cheap
  22. alrite mate, did u have any joy getting sum rattin permission. i have a border which i am also wantin to start on the rats. im supposed to be gettin sum permission near carlisle as a friend knows a young boy who is doing a game keepin course and has told him that he'll take us to see the farmers and sort it out for us. if i get it sorted ill let u know as a couple of dogs will be better than 1. hope u get on ok with the permission findin urself tho mate. happy hunting
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