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Everything posted by rawry

  1. deerhoundgreyhoundxwippetgreyhound for me like am runing a 1st cross wipppet greyhound at minute tho and she is doing very well
  2. [bANNED TEXT] [bANNED TEXT] i believe the best lamps depends on what you whant to use your dog for for foxes and hares you need bigger lamps like the striker or blitz but i think the best rabbiting lamp is a cluelite they are also very light
  3. hello bunny basher i have a 1/2 minshaw xsaluki lurcher 18 month bitch 23 inch i got her from workington off a lad called wayne williams? i am over the moon with her. ienjoyed the threads on minshaw lurchers off ASD could you send me address of the site my e mail is kraw345.@aol.co.uk or pm me on this site cheers rawry
  4. try teasing her with a rabbit skin &get her excited then throw the skin down an alley or passage way so the dog can,t get passed you when she retrieves it take off her &repeat no more than 3 times lots of praise thenput her away have patience thedog is still young make it fun
  5. any chance of a look at the pedigree just parents /g/parents
  6. [a young lad iknow had a cracking bitch agambling man went out with him to see it run after hearing how good the bitch was it killed 5/5 on big fields .he offerd £10,000 for the bitch &the lad turned him down the sad thing is 2weeks later the bitch got run over could i just say if your happy with your dogs does it matter what anyone else thinks
  7. my spaniels 2dogs aged 5+6 &1bitch 14month
  8. hi every one my name is is rawry &iamnew to the site ihave just got back into lurchers after a five year break although before that i kept them for 20 years . i bought aminnshaw bread pup in nov 05 wich iam very pleased with .ialso train ess &am ho[ping to trial them really enjoy ing this site luv to talk dogs see you later rawry
  9. My mate has bull greyhounds and 1 wheaten cross greyhound from ireland The wheaten is a deamen on foxes and will face anything but when lamping rabbits brings back live to hand every time a very good cross
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