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Sonny Brindle

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Everything posted by Sonny Brindle

  1. There's enough hair in the boot of my f**cking car from that white thing Bill was running the other night to do the job too.
  2. Riohog ! Stay focused! Salukis dont want you out crossing the show pony Get a feathered saluki pup and tell her it's a borzoi x whippet. Job done!
  3. Anyone else seen any of this litter and know how they turned out?
  4. That'll be the mating, cheers Jamie. Was your mate's dog a big 'un, and how did it turn out?
  5. Yes. I'd say when he's properly fit he'll be very, very good.
  6. Do any of you coursing lads know of a litter sired by Caulfield's Joe out of "a bitch that won the Forley Cup"? A mate has just taken on a 5 yr old dog which is supposedly of this breeding. He's an absolute beast, 26/27" TTS, massive head and really powerfully built. He doesn't look like any other saluki/grey I've ever seen – his body looks more like a big coursing greyhound and although he's got the saluki ears, he's much broader than most saluki crosses. He's a white dog with black spots and a black and white head. Having seen him run a couple of times, I do believe he's out of good s
  7. No, that would definitely have been shooters
  8. While whippets don't generally have as much stamina as some types of lurcher, they are certainly capable of a good night's shift on the lamp, and are great fun to watch. Obviously you get out what you put in to some extent, so the more you work a whippet, the more stamina it will build up as it gets fit. As for hardiness, they are tougher than they look. The weather won't bother them if you keep them busy on the lamp (although mine does feel the cold if he's stood around ferreting in grim weather), they can take knocks and bounce back better than you'd think, and their feet are generally p
  9. Really interesting post. Just curious about where you would draw the line sizewise between a non-ped whippet and a whippet/grey? You say your two scratch dogs are over 23" TTS. To me that says whippet/grey, as I am used to ped whippets from coursing/show lines which are around 19" or 20" (see pic). Not a criticism, just curious, and some lovely dogs you've got there.
  10. Really like the look of Ted. Just out of curiosity, is he hard mouthed on rabbits after a few ratting sessions?
  11. Here's mine. 19"TTS, he'll be four in November. Mainly used for lamping.
  12. Get some pure lavender oil from Boots. It's a natural antiseptic so will help the healing, but it tastes so foul the dog won't lick it off after the first attempt.
  13. Had this dog with me for a while. Saluki/gh x ped whippet. Very handy dog and is doing the business. About 23.5 TTS.
  14. Sounds pretty grim in Scotland these days. All that land and all that game – what a shame the powers that be seem determined to put a stop to hunting. Why do you Scots reckon it's so hot up there? Seems worse than anywhere else from what I read on here and other sites.
  15. I notice nobody ever goes on about shivering terriers, but you often see them shaking like some whippets do. My whippet is happy to be out in any weather as long as you keep him busy. Not cut out for a slow day's ferreting in shitty weather but that's not what I do with him.
  16. Not because you wont because they carnt. Typical daywalker hares are easy on the lamp, light in there eyes, motor behind them, run into things, they turn into different animals at night etc etc. Not to quick to prove the shite you spout out your mouth though are you You do like to divide us Joe ,don't you? Why can't a dog man be both? A coursing man ,and a lamper, different sports imo, but both good craic. The voice of reason at last
  17. Ask Whin - he's a big fan.
  18. If he put it over a wheaton x grey x bull x Italian greyhound x kelpie x Afghan you might get some decent pups.
  19. did you own scout,????? was he nuttal stuff??? heard he was shite as well i owned scout for 9 months,he was gifted to me by pg, i only gave him back because of all the shit most day time lads talk about dogs,it sickens me to hear the lies and bullshit you daywalkers talk,thats why i got out of daywalking after a few trips i seen what shit you clowns talk and spew over the internet,i went out with him 3 times in the day,he killed when he got a run,but daywalking is not for me,i am a lamper,thats all i do,but i will say this i have seen a lot of day dogs out on the lamp,most if not
  20. Something tells me she's not going to take much notice of that sign
  21. Here you go my friend - whippet coursing under rules.
  22. Beagles can and do follow hares for much longer than 90 minutes. Don't agree with the beliefs of that site, but what they say there is true.
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