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Everything posted by logunmk2

  1. SOLD to Grob As above nice easy Transaction cheers ......
  2. No one want a nice huntsman a good price ??????
  3. Had loads of pms etc but still available at the minute ......
  4. £460 For gun mag and fill adaptor £490 For above with the mk6 Silencer
  5. Mint .22 Daystate huntsman Classic with Beautifull Select Walnut Stock 10 shot Mag manufactered 2013, Boxed As new Sabre Airgunner 3-9x42 AO Scope not even been fitted to the rifle yet , Also Boxed As New Daystate Airstream MK6 Silencer , 3ltr 300Bar Bottle with Gauge Whip and Fill adaptor , The Rifle is shooting a Very Consistant 11.5 FPE , Pics of Everything to come later tonight or tomorrow in Better Light , £600 For Everything http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb74/mashed104/huntsman_zpsb12070dd.jpg I have been Buying this kit over the last 3-4 Weeks for a nice lightweight hunting
  6. Sorry rifle has sold i will be keeping the bottle etc thanks ....
  7. Alright Pal I decided to keep him as i didnt just want him to go to anyone or be passed about hes settles down alot now and is ok with other dogs etc unless of course they snap or want a go with him , Ive just been taking him out bushing with my other dog and is doing well at that hes only 12month old now maybe 13 month you will no better the age than me , ATB Aidy ...
  8. Here i have a very good condition as can be seen from the pics BSA Ultra SS .177 So rifle and Weihrauch Silencer fill adaptor and ill chuck a bag in £230 Its super accurate and consistant 16FPS Spread over 30 shots from a 200bar fill with weihrauch FTS If you want it with the Realtree Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40 which is as new with box papers etc Add £ Also have a 3ltr 300 Bar Bottle with around 3 years test also as new for £100 Pics of rifle http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/b...psbd05ce20.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/b...ps6e296d8d.jpg
  9. As title in Very good condition its a 3-9x50AO IR Needs a new battery for the IR as left it on by accident , Comes with sportsmatch mounts , £45 Posted pics here http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb74/mashed104/Mobile%20Uploads/photo15_zps2d1f1679.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb74/mashed104/Mobile%20Uploads/photo21_zps5ca031c9.jpg
  10. Hi joe Think it was you i was talking to you before about this cross , Mine just looked the same as that when it was a pup obviously mine was nearly all black but your will deffo get a darker coat mine he has a nice thick coat now , Here he is with full coat And when hes been stripped in the warmer months
  11. 7 ltr 300 bar filling kit with certificate of test does not need testing until 2016 , Comes with gauge hose etc , this one is no longer needed as i have 3 at the moment , Would like £120 Ono collected From Bradford West Yorkshire , pic
  12. Lol you dont want to be putting any gas in your gun unless your after killing yourself Your after a Divers Bottle mate Breathing Air NOT a gas Bottle
  13. It has this bolt fitted http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb74/mashed104/Mobile%20Uploads/bsabolt_zpsec06df26.jpg
  14. Have only had this rifle a couple of week i thought i would try .22 again but i cant get on with it so wanting another .177 or poss .20 So Here is a Bsa Super10 Mk3 in .22 It is in a CS stocks CS500 walnut Skelliton Stock , At the moment its fitted with a Bushnell Banner Dusk till Dawn 4-12x40AO Scope It has had the barrel Screwcut and is fitted with a DM80 Silencer all this work was done by DM80 ( Dave Mercer ) When firing the gun you would think its out of air its that quite , It also had the regulator and gun serviced by him before i bought it , It has the new Style RED 10 shot BSA Ma
  15. Heres mine mate great busher and ratter he had just been stripped in the summer on this picture he normally has a thick wirey coat will add another pic of him with full coat later ,
  16. That postcode is for a street called Goredale Close in Batley so its most likly gonna be an adress he,s just made up
  17. Right lads ive had loads of private messages will get back to everyone shortly cheers
  18. Cheers Bobby If someone is Genuine and like i say gonna give the dog a Decent Home Give hime the Graft He seems to want and not pass him about , Im willing to GIFT the dog to someone would like really someone with expeirence and not just some young lad starting out thats not sure if hes gonna stick it or not , ATB ...
  19. Would anyone want this Dog as its not for me and would like to get it a new home whilst its still only young 10 months old This is the Dog - http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/296033-patterdale-too-nasty/ Would want someone Genuine to take him and not some one who was just gonna pass him round or try and sell him , Get in touch if your genuine ....
  20. Possibly mate always up for a trade what you got ?
  21. Weihrauch HW100SK in .177 Comes with everything from new in the original box £560
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