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Everything posted by Dime

  1. no they not lol Definitely not, I know because I've seen a picture of the real ones in a book.... These are Mycena sp.
  2. byron what are the ones i saw there blue & black ones Do you have a pic Kay? Sorry i will quickly post one Yep, Common Blue Damselfly
  3. byron what are the ones i saw there blue & black ones Do you have a pic Kay?
  4. Pics 2 & 3 are the Hawthorn Sheildbug Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale
  5. The last two pics are of a Mining Bee Andrena sp. Possibly the Tawny Mining Bee Andrena fulva.
  6. Thats the one - Ragium bifasciatum .
  7. Nymph is a word used to describe the immature stages of an insect, usually the groups of insects that don't go through the pupal stage, like Grasshoppers, Crickets, Bushcrickets, Dragonflies, Mayflies, Shield Bugs other True Bugs etc....
  8. Hi Kay Looks like a nymph of a Leafhopper or Froghopper - a type of Bug.
  9. Railway embankments, waste ground & also woodland clearings all over the country.
  10. Hi Kay, Not sure if it can be found in garden centers as it is considered an invasive weed. Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillars will also feed on Fuchsia.
  11. Its one of the Longhorn Beetles larvae.
  12. Honey Fungus is edible when cooked, but yours are a bit past it. The Ganoderma isn't edible. Always be carefull of Forum ID's - i'm no expert - & only eat a mushroom of your 100% sure of what it is.
  13. The top ones are Honey Fungus Armillaria sp. as samwhittam1 says. The second one is a Ganoderma sp.
  14. Definatley a Ganoderma....probably australe
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