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Everything posted by dankay123

  1. took it from an oak tree and when i started sanding, it had a purple colour under the bark. got a nice big chunky fork off the same tree
  2. Here's one I did today for my 4 year old. Got purple colour in the grain
  3. Yeah. Can't make out that everyone else uses on pics. Gonna get some brass bar and polish it up to replace the fuses
  4. What u all think. Seem fairly accurate with 1-2" groups. Used old fuses to attach the tubes. I'm happy with them
  5. I have cattys with flat bands on but I want to put tubes on this one but don't know how to
  6. I have fried it out in microwave after watching a vid on YouTube. Don't know how to set up for tubes but have a few on bands and want this one on bands. Can Anyone help on this??
  7. Gonna varnish it just needs a little more fine sanding What's the best way of setting it up for tubes? Drill holes or a groove???? Any pics would be much appreciated
  8. Collected them today. Oak, silver birch and think alder. Would these make suitable blanks for carving. Forks are straight and similar thickness.
  9. I have a female harris hawk flies at 2lb2 oz. really friendly and a very aggressive hunter. Very steady. Non screamer but does a bit of yapping before fed. Not loud. Silent during day/night just when feeding. Really steady with kids but would take a little work to he used to your dog. Would like to swap for PCP setup why Hh comes with glove scales bow perch etc
  10. dankay123

    Hi All

    Once manned would you free loft a harris? I picked up my equipment yesterday and the lad in the shop had loads of birds in the back in aviaries. He said once manned to free loft a harris as it will help with boredom and fitness. My mentor said to keep them tethered on the loop perch as it has plenty of movement whilst being tethered to the loop. What you think
  11. dankay123

    Hi All

    Cheers for that. Plenty of info. I have built a loop perch which is around 2ft high to protect from first. I can shut off the complete aviary in winter to keep in the warmth. My mentor has said I would be better with a young bird but if the right older 'made' bird come up through someone giving up then would be worth a look
  12. dankay123

    Hi All

    Cheers lads. Pick up my equipment tomorrow and then I can start to look for a female harris. I want an older bird to start with instead of a young one. I have been told to look out for 'damaged' birds screamers etc. what advice would you give. Obviously my mentor is gonna accompany me when buying the bird.
  13. Anyone know of any suppliers close to Manchester for falconry hardware, gloves, swivels etc
  14. Been out tonight for walk with the catty. Been using marbles as ammo. These are completely different to the 8mm bearings I have been using.still need more practice to find good aiming points.
  15. dankay123

    Hi All

    Hi there Introduce myself as a beginner to falconry. I have 2 mentors that I can learn from. One flies a pair of harris hawks ad the other has a pair of gos hawks. I am looking at getting my female harris later this year. Just converting my aviary into a mews for the hawk and buying the initial equipment.
  16. Me earls auction in Wigan pal. £5 each last time I was there they couldn't sell them! Hope this helps
  17. Breeding proven pair of ringneck parrots. Green colour but could throw different mutations. 4 year old. Plenty of flirting and in and out of nest box. Not tame as they are breeding birds but will take food from hand. These have been kept in outdoor aviary over winter and don't need heat. Need a box for shelter. They are now in a 4ftsq breeding flight but will make a nice addition in a mixed aviary. £160 for the pair
  18. My greenies don't look 1 bit interested yet lol
  19. No, I don't just natural. I put 2 sky lights in the shed roof and 4 windows on the sunniest side. Plenty of condition seed, soak seed and greens. 5 eggs off red factors and 4 off satinettes. Let's hope they full. I have 1 satinette hen I bought off a lad who kept them inside under lights. Since I put her in shed she has been in a soft moult and doesn't look happy. I think it has really messed up her seasons. Hopefully she will come out of it as I have 2 cocks in full song that she can see. Any advice? She on same diet and also a drop of moulting tonic in water. Not lost any feathers since las
  20. Anyone else have canaries on eggs already? I have 2 pair of factors and 2 pair of satinettes both laid this week and are sitting tight. I have no extra light or heat. I know it's early but they were shredding the paper cage bottom and hen kept going to corner of the cage. what you think?
  21. Sorted. Pet shop near me had red factor hens. I called and asked did he buy birds in as I has a pair of fifes and pair of Irish spare. He did me a swap for the red factor hen. When I got there he showed me the import note- the red factors are Dutch show quality birds so I'm chuffed. Have a look for rollers mate as he goes to Europe twice a week and delivers to your door. Fauna tech is the courier and online shop and viper and vine is their other shop. I also bought a pair of satinettes off him too. Not the cheapest but quality birds and top setup.
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