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fox buster

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Everything posted by fox buster

  1. Rip arthur, was a good bloke massive shock cant believe it seemed all fit and well when i seen him other week. Another good man lost from the terrier game.
  2. Where r u in east yorkshire pal? Can i have ur num plz
  3. Good on the doorman. Hard work been on doors now days hands are tied with job it not like years ago
  4. Some first class idiots on this site dog is 8year old and i know for fact got plenty life in it and would more than likely still show alot of dogs up half his age!! Wankers that say just put him down why do that when ive found him a good home and with a bloke i can go see him work with whenever i want?!! The dog 8 not flipping 12 i seen bullx still doing job for terrier work side at 13yr old. I aint just going put a bullit in him when nowt wrong with him and he to good for that but im not a wanker that keeps a dog for my own peace of mind to look at when i see all he wants do is b working. An
  5. All the decent genuine lads that have text or messeged me bout dog if still intrested give me a call after wednesday as a decent bloke who has just lost his bullx is suppost to be coming up for dog either tuesday or wednesday
  6. There some first class idiots on this site!!! Why put a dog in hole if a propa decent lad who can give dog the work he wanting and needs can give him it. If dog wasnt any good or was knackerd he be in a hole but diff is he still grafts like a dog half his age and as good as most lurchers ive ever seen at game. The dog unhappy not getting the work he needs so why would i keep him just to go for a walk down lane eveyday when all he wants do is work. I dont do the lamping anymore as to dodgy over here and for the keyboard warriors that say well take him out digging mesen i do that but ive lost m
  7. I aint one them lads that keeps a dog and doesnt give it the graft it wants. This dog lives for the game and is miserable as sin not getting work he used to get. In my eyes it cruel keeping him rotting away in a kennel to get out mayb once a fortnight mayb less in digging season as i dont do the lamping like i used to do. The dog isent going just any old random person i will make sure he gets the [BANNED TEXT] home and looked after.
  8. Be no peddlers or idiots take this dog id ralther put him down before that happens but before i do that im giving any decent lad looking for a good dog a chance to take the dog and give him some work as that is all this dog lives for he aint happy unless he out working
  9. 3/8, 5/8 black bullx dog 8year old 100% grafter. This dog has plenty of life left in him and still as game as when he was a 2yr old. He is a ideal terriermans lurcher and does anything u need of him involved alongside terrierwork evan marks to ground. Ive bred this dog and had him all his life and he will be only go to a decent genuine working home.. No chavs need bother ringing as u will get turned away soon as u turn up for him. Genuine dog and only letting go as he isent getting the work anymore and he is needing to b out more than i can take him now adays. Call 07427586829. Im based donca
  10. 7 month old is to young to start letting go to ground i wouldnt evan let one start going till at least 10-11 month old and ive only ever done that then when ive had a terrier thats been real keen to go by then. If your wanting to make a good earthdog pal to fox dont spoil it by entering to early and allowing it get beat up at a early age coz it will jack in long run.
  11. Warranty they sell box with is load of bollox they dont stick to the agreemant. I recently had problems with my box it was getting hard to turn on and off so sent it off and they sent me it back saying tgey cleaned it and couldnt find any other probs. Within 2 outings it was worse than ever after that so again another 7.20 postage and sent it back for them to ring me and say it needs new switch and i need pay 35quid for that. Well with that i wasnt happy as the box was just 4year old that month and i sent reciept with it and i was on understanding when sold the box it had 5 year warranty so i
  12. What kind of a terrier show doesnt have patterdale class? The real true earthwork terrier and no class for it at this show, i take it you dont have entered terrier then either?!! What kind of a show is it? Sounds to me like it must just be like a family fun day dog show or just for the rossette hunter types it ob not the type of show to try get the working terrier type folk to go. Is there any lurcher classes either?
  13. This site is getting worse for all the keyboard warriors just coming on moaning about peoples posts and prices on dogs they sell, its getting that everytime you look at someones post in the for sale section you have other people coming on trying to cause argumants or slag peoples prices. Shawly it upto the owner of dog what they want to charge and if someone is willing to pay that they will and if they not then it doesnt sell simple as!.
  14. Is there much to see this year at this show as i went last year and it was rubbish we walked round it all in less than a hour
  15. What part of country you in fox dropper out of interest. Earliest ive ever had any cubs was begining of feb but they was only prob couple day old. Never seen cubs that size this time year.
  16. Bang them on ebay and you will get more than that for the darcy books mate.
  17. If someone breaks into or comes onto someone elses property with intentions to do wrong i think they deserve all they get and in my mind that scum bag got what alot more should get and it is wrong the dogs suffer for doing only what there instinct tells them too and thats protect there home and family! Wishi could see that happen to some of the dog theiving sods in this country as that is what they want!!
  18. Done and sent to all the lads on my whatsapp! Needs putting on facebook sites and every1 sharing with who they can. Im not on that fb so cant help with that
  19. How much for the double peggers netrigger
  20. Going to struggle to find someone thick an daft enough to swap a working terrier for 1 that only 13 month old an you have ob been trying to get to go ground but wont! Prob b better trying find a decent lad to come give you a hand shifting the cubs with a decent dog
  21. Can i have ur num bud will give u call bout a stapler
  22. Wheeler stuff for you good for a few seasons if your lucky enough to get that far with them but never seem to last till a good age before been jackers.
  23. 56 quid abit steep for a question an answer book which is all it is plus couple of blokes in that he must have been desperate to have put them in as ive been out with 1 bloke a couple times digging some years ago an certainley wouldnt call him or his dogs a good working terrierman!!!
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