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Everything posted by dh90

  1. she is sleeping more and taking longer to wake up when i go out and no she hasnt been ill.
  2. they were together for 3 days, wednesday til friday, so 44 days from the last day would be today. have you had a look in the bedding box .... see if theres any spots of blood she could have had them & eaten them Yes looked tonight and everything fine, shes still big and seems happy in herself, dont think shes had them, if there is any She may have them tonight .. just keep an eye on her & go with your gut reaction .. hope it all goes to plan cheers, fingers crossed for tonight
  3. they were together for 3 days, wednesday til friday, so 44 days from the last day would be today. have you had a look in the bedding box .... see if theres any spots of blood she could have had them & eaten them Yes looked tonight and everything fine, shes still big and seems happy in herself, dont think shes had them, if there is any
  4. they were together for 3 days, wednesday til friday, so 44 days from the last day would be today.
  5. Was expecting jill to have kits between wednesday nd friday (42 days since together) but nothings happened. Is there any tell tale signs of a phantom pregnancy. Starting to think this is whats happened, bit guttered to be honest, if it is when will she come back into heat and how long should i wait before trying again. also the hob i used is about 5-6 could he be too old or just unlucky?
  6. Dont suppose any one could put some pictures up, would like to see myself but not sure what to look for
  7. always thought it was the other way, got told younger jills on there first litter had less. And bigger litters when bred from again. Will find out soon, my jill due to have some this week, shes only 2, she does feel bigger than the last time a bred with an older jill who had 6 (was her first aswell).
  8. Was fairly disapointed aswell. A day out but nothing special and agree it was quite small, went to selby and much prefered that one.
  9. Wish my dog would start cocking his leg, 7 month now and still pees on his leg more times than enough
  10. just goes to show how uninforcable this stupid law is. Wonder how much of the tax payers money was wasted. Hope they got everything back and get left alone from now on
  11. This is what i got told when i first started and tbh i dont no anyone around here that has gills spayed or gets jabs. Ive had ferrets about 6 year now and never had a problem. like tote said just keep everythin clean and should be fine. Im sure people will disagree but i wouldnt worry about it too much.
  12. Thanks will give it a try. then if thats doesnt work ill get some of that wound powder. Now youve said it i think vaseline should work as its only small and not much blood just when he shakes his head theres a problem.
  13. Hes outside for a few hours everyday, and like you say it does scab over but then it keeps bursting again.
  14. Dog burnt the tip of his ear on the fire, its only small but the scab keeps opening and he keeps spraying blood all over the place, up the walls etc.(just decorated and the better half isnt too pleased) Is their anythin i can do to either make it heal quicker or stop the bleeding. Like i said it isnt much but theres dots of blood all over the floor.
  15. surely there must be some sort of exception as you can never guarantee theres only rabbits. Not only hunting folk this would occur to. any member of the public with a running dog off the lead could accidently put a hare up and catch it
  16. Just wondering how you would stand with the law if you were bushing for rabbits but a hare or fox was to come out and dogs caught it.
  17. dh90


    Thanks for the help. Put my mind at rest
  18. dh90


    He is entering the adolescent stage where all the training seems to go out of the window, start afresh wth the recall training, don't lose hope, all pups go through it, it can be frustrating but in a few month he will be back to the pup you had before! Remember how you were as a teenager! I was perfect but pleased most pups do it however frustrating, thought he was goin to be headstrong and completely ignore me all the time. So how long does the adolescent stage last?
  19. My pup is now 6 month old as was doing well with training, recall etc. but the last few days he seems to have started completely ignoring me when i call him back, or he runs straight past me. what is the best thing to do, should i keep him on the lead for a while or just carry on letting him off. (doesnt seem right if i cant get him back in a hurry) he doesnt run away usually stays close but just wont come back. i always carry and use treats but he just doesnt want to know. any advice is appreciated.
  20. Some people say 2 hobs will fight but ive always kept them together and never had a problem. You may want to get a gill for working, alot of people prefer them, bit smaller and less likely to lie up. However, completely your choice, everyone has there own opinions.
  21. Good of you to offer it to someone, personally like a big ferret for when the rabbits arent bolting. Will be a good ferret for someone,
  22. I was there yesterday, personally enjoyed it but it was the first ive been to. Was sursprised at the number of bull X's, seemed as if every lurcher had bull in it.
  23. On days when rabbits arent bolting well i like a big hob then at least when you dig the rabbit is nearly always there, but with gills often the rabbit moves about underground when you start digging as gills cant hold them aswell. But if rabbits are bolting i prefer gills. As said each have there own uses.
  24. Cheers for all the replies, confirmed my own thoughts realy. just wasnt sure if i would be leaving it too long waitin til a year
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