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Everything posted by dh90

  1. Just get some, they going to be kept outside anyway. Tell her she doesnt have to do anyhting with them. If you can wait, get some kits, all women like small fluffy things.
  2. Although i can see what your saying, it depends how you use the collar. The one im using has different levels of shock, If you read the instructions and use it as stated then it shouldnt have the outcome your saying. I put it on the lowest setting that got a reaction from the dog, more of an irritant than anything else. Press it then call the dog, when he starts returning leave go. Eventually the dog will learn that coming towards you is a good thing that gets rid of the irritating feeling. And realistically this is what you are looking for, the dog to see copming back to you a good thing. Onc
  3. Although i can see what your saying, it depends how you use the collar. The one im using has different levels of shock, If you read the instructions and use it as stated then it shouldnt have the outcome your saying. I put it on the lowest setting that got a reaction from the dog, more of an irritant than anything else. Press it then call the dog, when he starts returning leave go. Eventually the dog will learn that coming towards you is a good thing that gets rid of the irritating feeling. And realistically this is what you are looking for, the dog to see copming back to you a good thing. Onc
  4. I went through exactly the same thing as you with my beddy grey x whippet. After trying everything said so far i eventually gave in and got an electric collar, something i realy didnt want to do at the time. However now i think its the best thing i could of done, and I would advise it to anyone in the same situation. A lot of people will disagree with me but in my opinion until it happens to you, you will never understand how frustrating it is, and it just gets harder to train it. Within about 2 weeks of gettin the collar i had the dog coming back when called % of the time. Ive had the collar
  5. I know what you mean, I am tempted to get the best then ill not regret not getting it, but at the minute the smallest battery and standard lamp is enough but you never know what the future holds. Ive only been lamping with mates who have got standard lamps with the old batteries, so wanted to know peoples opinions on the variables. So far people seem to think the standard lamp is good enough and the variable only makes much difference for foxes?
  6. Quite a few people seem to think i may aswell get the normal lamp The prices will help anyone else looking for a lamp so cheapest prices ive found is: The standard striker lamp is from optics warehouse £75 The variable striker lamp is from optics warehouse £120 Ianhodge fieldsports says there variable lamp is only £95 but then tries to charge £140 on checkout The 10Ah battery is from ferretboxes.com for £140 or the 14Ah is advertised on here for £160 So for the standard lamp and 14Ah battery it will be £235
  7. Getting myself a lamp and battery at some point this week. Going to get lightforce striker 170 and lithium battery. First of all : Whats your opinions on the variable, do you think its worth the extra £45 And i was going to get the 10Ah bettery but found the 14Ah for an extra £20, do you think its worth paying for the 14Ah? Cheers
  8. I know who u are like, just added you on facebook, might recognise me from there.
  9. It is not exactly kosher,..but, try pushing your purse net pegs, into the top of the burrow,..on the inside.... The net will still purse,.but, you want to be onto them asap,.just in case.. Agree, Definately softer inside the hole, probably your best bet
  10. how do matey, i do reconise you like, i have a jackxlakeland and a miniture jack, the bitch miniture jack is a month pregs now too! and i have two ferrets like, am after a albino jill like you know of any local? cheer dean You probably seen me out with a small brindle and white lurcher. Na dont no anyone wantin rid of any ferrets. bred mine in the summer but they all gone now.
  11. Alright mate, im from penshaw aswell, what dogs you got?
  12. He just had the dogs out for a walk, around hetton. and yes he's phoned the kennels, told him they'd got a dog on saturday that matched the discription, but turned out to be a collie
  13. Putting this on for Codmaster127 off here. Lost his dog on saturday night, shes shes a beddy x whippet small bluey /grey, 18inch, ran off after a rabbit with his other dog and only the one came back. He's looked everywhere for her, Just thought id put it on here incase anyone has picked her up or seen her. In the hetton area Houghton le spring PM me if you know anything as im not sure how often codmaster is on here. Cheers
  14. Shouldnt be any problems putting ferrets together at this time of year, especially when its been with anther ferret before. Although ferrets do fight sometimes. If possible try putting the ferrets together before you commit to taking it. Everything SHOULD be fine
  15. Ive got a beddy grey x whippet as my first dog and he's been realy hard work, very head strong. Maybe just this perticular dog as i havent seen any others. Hes about 14month now and hes now fetchin a rabbit skin dummy and coming back off lead when theres nothing else around but has took alot of hard work and an electric collar for the recall. Think i would opt for a dog with a bit of collie for a first dog but thats just my opinion.
  16. Thought not, got mine from sunderland. How's he bred beddy grey x whippet? looks very similar to mine except he's got brindle instead of black patches and stands 22"
  17. san is 1/2 whippit 1/4 greyhound 1/4 beddie 21 tts 15 months old mate Where did you get him from? same age and same way bred as mine... doubt its the same place, bit far for you i would think
  18. They are all copies, some good quality some terrible. Havent seen the one your looking it although it does state that its good picture quality
  19. Someone else maybe able to tell you better but if you've got 3 lurchers, could you not just get one insured and use it for all three? When i got mine insured all they asked for was the breed and age. Once one has been took to the vets and had something done that can be checked maybe you will need another policy but until then i would think you could get away with one between them.
  20. dh90

    Sorry mate, ferrets all gone.

  21. He is a year old. Honestly cant stress how much ive tried the other methods.
  22. Whats the difference between the expensive collars i.e. dogtra and the ones on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170542523635&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT for around £35
  23. It realy is the last option mate, and to be honest i dont like the idea of doing it or feeling like ive had to resort to it but ive run out of ideas and theres no other way of controling him off the lead. What make is yours and how much did it cost?
  24. Havent tried liver cakes but ive tried plenty of other treats, his favourite being kabab meat (i no it sounds daft) but for a few weeks he was perfect with it but last few months he just wont come back for anything.
  25. My dog is now coming up to a year old and i still cant get him to come when called. On a long lead or any other type of lead he is perfect, coming as soon as a call him. But as soon as i let him off the lead he starts to completely ignore me. Ive tried letting him run wild to tire himself out for 10 mins then trying but no matter what he wont come back. Ive tried treat and hiding etc but he still only comes when HE feels like it. Im realy starting to loose hope now and the last thing i want is him to turn into a pet that has to stay on the lead. Ive tried everything ive been advised except for
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