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Everything posted by dh90

  1. I've had a double bowback from codmaster for about 6 year now, used regular and still going strong. Couldnt fault it all. Certainly not "rough"
  2. Been out with the dam many times and she is a good dog. Also seen the sire which looked like a very fast animal. Pups are a credit to the breeder and in great condition. Should turn out perfect rabbit dogs. Will try and get a picture uploaded of them.
  3. It can be caused by somethin missin in its diet or it could be that the pup is attention seeking. Do you chase it or anythin when it does it? my old staff done it and we were told to just ignore it and it stopped within a couple of weeks.
  4. Yeah when i first saw the picture of yours i thought they looked similar and yes think it was 4 pups although there was only 2 left when i went to see her, dog and a bitch. She's just under 23" tts, not sure what size she will make. Yours looks quite thick set compared but yours is a dog. Will try and get some better pictures. What size is yours at present? Darren
  5. Not a very good picture, will try and get some better ones this weekend. Pleased with her so far, coming on well. Got her first rabbit last weekend ferreting. Didnt intend running her as she still a bit young but couldnt help myself, give her 2 runs, caught one and the other made it to another set.
  6. Think iv got a litter sister to yours, was the dam called stardust? Will try and get some pics up, over the moon with mine aswell
  7. My opinion is that they are ok until you get some real birds but not as good as the real thing. Better than nothing tho
  8. Well my friends pigeon magnet came, about 4/5 weeks... minus the decoys that were ment to be there... apparently they are out of stock but were due in the next day and would be sent asap... that was last thrusday... see how long they take.
  9. Just looked on: http://www.lancashire.police.uk/about-us/corporate-information/firearms-licensing/firearms-application-checklist and says you got to make payable to "Lancashire Police Authority" Just says send correct fee, presume it tells you on application form?
  10. In the process of getting mine and its £50 up here, north east - northumbria police... Should tell you on your application form. Thought it would of been the same everywhere. I made my cheque to northumbria police and nothing has been said yet. Not very well well informed on internet or on forms etc as to who to pay to.
  11. Do you chase it or anything when it does it? One of my dogs used to do it when it was a pup and we got told it was just doing it for the attention, stopped reacting when it done it and it stopped. Whether thats why it stopped or if its diet was sorted out i dnt no but worth trying
  12. Good to see this topic has been pinned, the less people ordering from this company the better
  13. Well my mate still hasnt recieved his pigeon magnet yet, three and a half weeks so far, rang up after 2 and they said its in the post will be there in next few days, rang again the other day (3 weeks) and got told it was posted the day before, then when he told them they sad it was posted the week before they just said that they didn no who told him that and they must have been mistaken Think he's going to drive down next weekend if he hasnt got it, dont no if they will give him it and admit they didnt post it or whether they will keep saying its on its way, only time will tell
  14. Wish i read this a month ago, friend bought a pigeon magnet 3 weeks ago and still nothing, rang twice and got told both times it was on its way and would be here within 2 days
  15. Looking at getting myself some decoys and was just wondering whether it is better to use all the same type of decoys, or whether to mix and match? Has anyone got any suggestions on which decoys to get: Silo socks? FUD's? full bodied shells etc or some of each?
  16. Im from penshaw mate

  17. Well, went and seen the gun and was over the moon, feels nice and its in good condition. exactly the same as this one : http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/110116210335243 except for £125 cheaper
  18. Too be fair i never noticed the 2 barrel set bit.........dont see a reason for it really.. I know what your saying, but when ive been looking on the internet it seem the single trigger over/unders are close to £200 anway, and just thought that getting a gun worth apparently £400 i should get my money back if i dont take to it ? As i said get yourself to your local gunshop but you have chosen the net, exactly the same mate. You done your homework and it does seem like a good deal with both barrels. If your happy then get it snapped up and get banging.... Thanks for that I
  19. Too be fair i never noticed the 2 barrel set bit.........dont see a reason for it really.. I know what your saying, but when ive been looking on the internet it seem the single trigger over/unders are close to £200 anway, and just thought that getting a gun worth apparently £400 i should get my money back if i dont take to it ?
  20. So you think its expensive? the only other 2 barrel set baikals i can find are closer to £400 http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/091123160837000 http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/100817142646006
  21. thanks for all the comments, think im going to see it tomorrow and provided its in good condition ill get it.
  22. Just wondering what peoples opinions are on baikal over/under shotguns. Im looking for my first shotgun and know someone whos selling an over under baikal 2 barrel set for £250, im going to look at it in the next few day. What do you think of these guns and is there anything to look for when looking at it?
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