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Everything posted by jon_h

  1. Does anybody do extra parts such as longer barrels etc for the logun solo? Does anyone have any experience of these parts? Many thanks, Jon
  2. Is FAC air different to fac? Plenty of land to shoot so that shouldnt be a problem. Guessing it still needs to be a full on gun safe british standard jobbie.
  3. With fac air rifles do you still apply for the same certificates and would you still need the cabinets/safes especially the safe for the ammo. Thanks for any help, Jon
  4. Yeah sorry just read back through the post and spotted that. Well im off on holiday a week this sunday, away for a week, if you still have it when im back i'll take it off your hands if your willing to post. Just cant spare the cash in case i need it on holiday but not expecting to spend it if you see what i mean. So if you still have it two weeks this sunday i'll take it, without the silencer as i already have one on my hk. Feel free to sell in the menatime if you get the chance otherwise though. Jon
  5. HW80K springer bout 3 months old of any interest to you.
  6. Could a silencer be added to it or does the barrel band stop any of that?
  7. Ive got a small surefire torch that runs off two rechargeable batteries and its great for my air rifle. Can get them cheap second hand off ebay as well. About the size of the scope body minus the two wide end parts (eye piece and lens) and about 170 lumens.
  8. jon_h


    Ive got a hawke map 3-9 *40 and a two mounts with the rear having a pin in the bottom to hold it all in place and its all worked fine on my gun (HW80K) since the end of september and I only zeroed it the once when i got it, never had to change it since.
  9. Just looking at changing the spring. Is it fairly simple? Ive had a meteor and an smk19 apart before so im guessing its the same principle.
  10. I had a BSA meteor given to me by one of my dads friends who had it when he was young (bearing in mind he's 60 odd now) so this was an OLD gun. I had an ox bow fitted about 6 years ago and its never broken, and with a 3 by 36 scope i could hit wind fallen apples off the tree in our garden all day at 25 yards. Was a great gun that, traded it in for my hw 80k though
  11. Well im thinking cz american 452 with some sort of sound moderator then....unless im pursuaded otherwise
  12. Im thinking more in terms of getting one rabbit in one field, but emptying the next field as a result. .22 i think it is then! Many thanks for the input. Now just have to decide what to get.....
  13. How loud is a .17 hmr? If it has a good moderator would it be as loud as say my spring powered hw 80k that has a moderator. A sort of dull thump, but doesnt really disturb bunnies over 25/30 yards away. Dont know why im drawn to the .17 over the .22 so just checking all the facts!!
  14. Im currently using a HW80k but am considering getting the FAC and upgrading. Basically the rifle will be used for rabbits and small oppurtune targets with some day and a fair bit of night shooting. Ideally looking for something fairly quiet (would be willing to get a moderator etc for this) and otherwise fairly robust as i live on the isles of scilly and getting to a gunshop for repairs etc is a fair problem. .22 rimfire or .17hmr etc considered. Many thanks for suggestions, Jon
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