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About jon_h

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. jon_h

    HW57 .22

    Bump and a price drop to £140
  2. I've got a HW 57 for sale which is an underlever and does the same job. Damn near perfect condition. In .22
  3. Hw 57 £160 posted, all usual age and prohibited rules apply. Very tidy gun and in very good condition ESP the metalwork. The woodwork has at some point been stripped although there is the odd bit where perhaps they havn't quite got all the old finish off. To be fair, you wouldn't notice from a few feet away and it looks quite nice. No physical marks on the stock however. Comes with screwed in sling clips although not qd studs. Open sights. Great reliable accurate gun, only selling to fund a new shotty. Pictures to follow soon Cheers, Jon
  4. Hi Jon-h my email m.vining219@btinternet.com






  5. It comes with just the built in ir, I would say you could pick out the definate shape of a rabbit at 35 ish yards and the eyes for quite a bit further. This would be improved with and extra ir illuminator which this has the mount to hold.
  6. Deben s50 pro, comes with it's cloth cover and 4 rechargeable batteries (it only uses 1 at a time) and charger. Great bit of kit but sadly I need the money. £210 posted. Many photos and info on the web, these still retail at £500 so grab a bargain ready for the long winter nights. Cheers, Jon
  7. Is it still for sale?
  8. Any pictures of this? And would you be interested in any kind of px? What size is the air bottle. Could be very Interested
  9. I tried using nv on a friends rifle and it is hard to judge distance. However the rabbits dont get nv shyness as they do with torches and is good for clearing a large open area when there are lots of rabbits. Expensive though so i go for torch on scope myself.
  10. Are any of the ipod applications suitable for air rifle use or do they only include real rifle rounds. Would be handy to have something like that occasioanlly...
  11. I seperate the rear legs, front legs and the saddle, throw it all in a big casserole dish with some chopped up potatoes, carrots, onion, swede and any other veg, two stock cubes, salt and pepper and a can of beer then slow cook at 130 degrees for most of the day. Nice caserole! Or you can take the meat of the bone before cooking. And chuck in a few dumplings for half hour at the end to! Another one is to cut the meat up into small bite size chunks (think KFC popcorn chicken) Boil unitl pretty much cooked (bout 25 minutes)or just fry, then roll them all in flour, dip in whisked egg, and the
  12. my logun solo is pretty damn close. Or will be once i fix its pinging!
  13. No joy from ebay. Any body know a good gunsmith that does work by post? Saying that im sure i could do it myself if i had the bits. Booger. Now i know it can be done i really want to do it, whereas before it didnt bother me too much.
  14. Where can i get one of these "de-pingers"? On a serious note is there a good place to look or a good company to ask for tuned hammer springs etc? Getting on well with the gun otherwise so might spend a few pennies to fix this and be super chuffed instead of just pleased!
  15. When i fire my solo there seems to be a springy noise from around the action that is probably louder than the pellet leaving the barrel when the silencer is attatched. Any ideas as to what this noise might be and how to stop it? Doesnt seem to be doing any harm but just thought id try.
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