got to go with nightshadow on this one i have a 3/4greyhound1/4collie and he is very racy,good lamping and ferreting dog as some times the collie side can be to head stong
they are ok workers if you get a good one but they can be a bit big good for fox and deers i dont no if they are good on rabbits my dad bred pitbullxgreyhound see
i have a 3/4greyhound1/4border collie i work him on the lamp with the ferrets and hunting up in my eyes you can't get a better cross than this and he is not hanconks breeding
i like the look of your dog mate i got a bullxwhippetxbedlingtonxwhippet bitch at 10 weeks old my dad bred bullxgeryhound for 20 all so yrs and had some good ones to i had a bitch off him but i at to have her put down at 8 yrs old she was bit by a adder