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chris 78

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Everything posted by chris 78

  1. its alot easyer than people think mate,if you want to give it a go mate have a look on AA BAITS they have some realy good base mixes and addatives,its cheaper to make your own and it dont take as long as you think mate,all you need is a boile gun a rolling table,you will get nearly 3 kg of boiles out of 1 kg of basemix.plus it more of a buzz when you catch a carp on baits you have made yourself.my mate caught his pb of 35lb10oz on a local water useing home made baits,try useing a nut base mix and grined down some salted peanuts in a blenda and add them to the base mix carp love it mate. a
  2. ive got an angling intelligence airframe bivvy,its the best bivvy ive ever had and ive had aqua bivvys,i never found fault with aqua bivvys though its just the one i have now is more suited to were i fish,i can use it in tight swims,its light,and its well vented which cut's the amount of condensation down to a minimum with out the use of a winter skin.
  3. im sorry to hear you picked a dog that cant catch a mixirabbit, doing a little bit of research on dogs aint as anal as you think,if you did then you maynot of chose a dog on looks alone anyway atb with your next choice of dog and remember,the people on this site are like asda's supermarket greeters "there always happy to help". LMFAO
  4. agouti coulor bloodyhell my works internet has put a block on pics from photo bucket lol i will have to wait till tonite to have a look
  5. Awww there so cute though go on admit it ok then it is cute
  6. heres one i took while i was fishing me daughter made me take some pics of them.
  7. ferrets looking well kay how old are they now ??
  8. i got a dyson its the best hoover ive ever bought plus i got the car care pack as well,cant fault it,haha :11:
  9. just wondered what type of ferrets you's have (albino or polecat) and how many people keep. heres my two the big polecats 3 yrs old and the young ones about 10wk i got the young jill of asme on this site. atb chris
  10. if you feel that the colour of your dog is effecting its catch rate get down to your local hunting supply's shop and buy some of that camo tape you get for gun's,it will soon blend into its surrounding's, hope this helps joking aside the colouring of any dog makes no different's whatsoever to how it will perform on its chosen quarry,
  11. thanks mate owning dogs aint cheap but my dogs wellbeing is important to me. as im sure it is to most people on this site.
  12. i was going to have a look on the net today mate and get some quotes but if you know a good company it would be a good help.thanks
  13. vets my mrs took one of my pups to the vets on thursday as she was off her food and drink and was being sick and pooing water with mucus in it, after giving the pup two jabs a tablet some rehydration support and some sensitive dog food he told her if this dont work by tomorow morning leave her with us for a day and night and they would have to do scanns x-rays and maybe operate as she may have a blockage,then he said you will be looking at a bill of over £1000... .on the bright side though it looks like the jabs and tablet ect...have worked as shes eating and drinking again and shes
  14. thanks rich he is a saluki x 3/4 grey 1/4 collie.

  15. YER AT LEAST SOME ONE NOS A GOOD DOG, looks dont make a good dog fella and it dont make it worth £1000,
  16. shaddow your ali looks fooking huge on them pics he even make u look small lol thanks for meeting up lads,had a good day ,looking forward to this coming sunday if you`s are still up for it.
  17. here are some of the pics from todays outing at bedale show,
  18. thats a cleaver dog lol what else can it do
  19. top pic that cocker glad the dogs have got used to the birds mate. PS that aint liam gallagher in the pic it's liams mate ian brown lol
  20. to be honest there are six out of the 8 pups on this site and there all stunners, and i think all the lads which own them would agree with me. atb chris
  21. i've been running a pure saluki x 3/4 grey 1/4 collie for 5 years he will work day and nite mate,he loves his job and always gives 100%.
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