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chris 78

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Everything posted by chris 78

  1. i heard saluki x can be quite good on the lamp/....ho well maybe iam wrong..... must say your wrong mate,saluki x s in general dont make good lamping dogs,of coarse you will get the odd good one but you dont see them in proper lamping fellas kennels,as you dont see collie xs in coursing mens or fen mens kennels oh right ..sorry didnt know that ...do you lamp mr jones ..???? i do, and also course its like saying would a saluki x ever win a lamping match,or would a beddi x ever beat a coursing dog on the fens funny that mate i lamp my saluki x and hes as good on the lamp as he is t
  2. she's looking spot on mate and in fine shape.
  3. not being funny but it look's a bit like a rat,lol
  4. glad your happy with them mate
  5. i've just bought a lightforce striker 170 and it's fecking bang on,i was useing a lamp which i made from a 2 million candle power lamp out of homebase (it's the lamp on the right of the pic) it did it's job like but i wish id of put me hand in my pocket and bought a lightforce lamp a while ago instead of being a tight git,lol also i use a 12v 14ah motorbike battery and it last's for hours and it aint to heavy to carry.
  6. Why whos slated you mate i cant see one post slating anyone yet ? know one slated me as i said BLOODLINES mate,why knock proven blood lines if it did'nt work then people would'nt buy them,as i said everyones got a choice,pesonaly i think people knock it cos they dont want to pay the money for em.
  7. here we go again blood lines being knocked,you'r like a lod of old tarts.if you dont want to go down the route of getting a dog from proven blood lines then DONT. at the end of the day it a personal choice of the people that do like ME i knew what i wanted and i got it. so because i got two pups from good blood lines dose this mean i can start slating people for buying any pup with unknown blood lines,maybe it dose but im not a bitchy person like some of the :wankerzo4: on here, P.S sort ya heads out lads it'll be time to work ya dogs soon then most of the bitch's will be out
  8. have you got a shovel martyn lol
  9. i have for sale the following items, two fox deadbait pike rods they are 12ft 2.3/4lb tc,full cork handles.(reel in pic not included)£30 each or £50 the pair one fox multispin rod 9.6ft and will cast 20-60g also full cork handled,£25 three fox ps pike alarms these are the rear rod rest type,either £20 each or £50 for the three. three fox p pike alarms these are the type which clip onto the banksticks,either £15 each or £40 for the three. one shimano b-100mag multiplier (for spinning/lure fishing),£20
  10. it's only lasts 5 - 7 days mate.
  11. your infected mate,lol, this is why its spreding cos people think they just have a cold but its a mild form of the flu,
  12. ive got swine flu and theres feck all to it its just like a bad cold,i phoned docs they said watever you do dont come here,so i waited over an hour whilst still at work for him to call back,then he said stay off work for 5 days, it's all a hipe over nowt its just flu with a new name,the goverment will do anything to take your mind of the things that are really worying people at the moment,ie...unemployment/job cuts. only medication they give us is tamiflu which is for the common form of flu,anyway time will tell.
  13. just voted and were still beating the antis
  14. yes im willing to post but may be at extra cost depending on postal charge's
  15. chris 78


    cleverly is a good fighter and hes very mature for a 22yr old dont think he is the next joe though, tyson fury will be a in alot better shape in september and he is defo one to watch,hes never been beat in or out of the ring,he just needs some good sparing,id do it if the money was [bANNED TEXT] :black eye: :11:
  16. i have for sale the following items, two fox deadbait pike rods they are 12ft 2.3/4lb tc,full cork handles.(reel in pic not included)£30 each or £50 the pair one fox multispin rod 9.6ft and will cast 20-60g also full cork handled,£25 three fox ps pike alarms these are the rear rod rest type,either £20 each or £50 for the three. three fox p pike alarms these are the type which clip onto the banksticks,either £15 each or £40 for the three. two shimano aerlex 8000 reels they are the older one's but are in good condition,£25 the pair (SOLD) one shimano b-100mag mult
  17. try this site mate they do double and single. http://www.field-sports.co.uk/dogs.asp i dont use toggle release ones my self,im ordering a LEATHER LAMPING SLIP lead of the site above. atb chris
  18. Nice reo But check that ground they got to have some good feet one of a salukis attrebutes Is that the ground they run on? I thought it would have been more like sand. not all deserts are sandy like in the gulf those dogs come from southern turkey nothern iran i wouldnt want to walk on it nevery mind run i agree with you there riohog that ground would wear me shoes out in no time neather mind the dogs feet lol
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