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Everything posted by huggy89

  1. well bred coursing pup for sale i am selling this pup because i av to move me dogs of the gardens He is red and white he was born on the first of june this pup will make a top class dog in the right hands. As i dont no how to put pictures on the computer i can send them using me fone if intresterd pm ur number and i will senr them PRISE £450 SIRE- ROONEY BRED FROM JAMIES JACK AND HAZEL, HAZEL IS BRED FROM CASPER AND THE HIPPYS BITCH DAM- NELL BRED FROM FRED HOLMES CHARLIE PUT A BITCH BRED FROM JOHN DAVIES TINA TURNER AND THE GHOST This bitch is a very up and at them bitch w
  2. a think you would mate a think when you line a smooth bitch to a fetherd dog the pups cum smooth and when you put a fetherd bitch to smooth dog you get a mixed bag and what breed are the dogs
  3. is the sire brother to nell on fen fever
  4. i av herd of im and seen him run in the flesh he is a good dog, a dnt no how good the pups are off him but i av 1 off his brother to a bitch out of a CHARLIE X TINA TURNER X GHOST BITCH and it is showin very gud signs, my mate has 2 off im 1 is out of a bitch witch is grandaughter to LADDIE and 1 out of FETTLE and they are gudns. whats the sire of ur pup called
  5. he is abwt 8 now coz i av a son off his brother
  6. he is a very nice man i av only meet im once
  7. well bred coursing pups 6 weeks old next monday SIRE Rooney bred out of jamies jack x hazel DAM Nell bred out of charlie x a bitch out of j davis tina turner and the ghost there is a brindle dog pup, a red and white dog pup and a black and brindle dog pup left they are £400 ono
  8. does any 1 no were any good fly ponds are in the north east as i am starting to fly fish
  9. hows that bred was bred in linclon mate and came over when the ban came in supposedly for big money,i was told j ford owned him,but not overly bothered about all that,afew generations of saluki/grey ive been told,,,,he may be over his hunting prime now but im still going to run him next season with the other mutt He,s was bred by clive at lincoln out of his bitch " chance " . The sire was T Murrey,s " Smokey " ( Kippers old dog "Cruiser" x Jon Sharps 1st cross "Amber" out of "luke ") All in all pretty well bred.......................... ATB T were you from do you live near ro
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